Legal Counseling at Datun Suluh Praja Kalurahan Sitimulyo

To start the beginning of March, the UGM Faculty of Law together with the DIY High Prosecutor's Office held Datun Suluh Praja Legal Counseling in Sitimulyo Village, on Thursday, March 2 2023. This time the legal counseling brought the theme regarding Licensing and Utilization of Village Land, which was delivered by Prof. Nurhasan Ismail, S.H., M.Sc., Professor of Agrarian Law, UGM Faculty of Law.

Prof. Nurhasan said that based on DIY Governor Regulation Number 34 of 2017 concerning Village Land Utilization, land in DIY comes from the land of the Sultanate (Sultan Ground). Therefore, it is very important to have good administration. There are three terms regarding land, namely protection, use, and cooperation in use. Protection means that village land must be protected to prevent damage, loss, and suitability for land use. For the utilization, land can be used by villages or village officials following the function given in the grant of the land. It is also permissible to use village land for rent, buildings for use, buildings for use, and so on. Meanwhile, cooperation in use is carried out with village land which is used as agricultural land. However, it would be better if the technical cooperation agreement could be stated in sub-district regulations so that there are strong guidelines.

Apart from that, Kristanti Yuni Purnawanti, S.H., M.H., as Assistant for Civil Affairs and State Administration at the DIY Prosecutor's Office also delivered material regarding the use of Kalurahan land (Sultan Ground). One of them is regarding land use in the form of agriculture, which does not require permission from the Kraton. This is different from non-agricultural land uses that require permits, such as restaurants, shopping centers, and so on.

In the question and answer session, many participants consisting of civil servants from Sitimulyo Village asked about problems in the village, such as Mr. Dasiyono from LPK Sitimulyo who asked about permission to take forest products from village land. Then, Mr. Rahdi, as a typical village land user, asked about the contract for renting village land.


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