Datuh Suluh Praja Legal Counseling at Jangkaran Kalurahan

Still in the series of Datun Suluh Praja activities, legal counseling resulting from collaboration between the UGM Faculty of Law and the Yogyakarta Prosecutor's Office, on Thursday 2 March 2023, it was the turn of the ANCHRAN Village, Kulon Progo to be visited. On this occasion, the theme of the legal counseling carried out was regarding Village Agreements presented by Mrs. Alfatika Aunuriella Dini, S.H., M.Kn. Ph.D., lecturer from the Department of Civil Law, Faculty of Law, UGM.

After presenting material regarding the authority and duties of the Republic of Indonesia State Attorney in the field of civil and state administration by the DIY Prosecutor's Office, participants attended a presentation regarding aspects of the agreement. Starting from the definition, characteristics, legal requirements, to the elements. Apart from that, village cooperation was also conveyed in accordance with Village Government Laws and Regulations.

During the question and answer session, participants asked many questions about the legal terms of the agreement. Such as how important witnesses are in an agreement, whether an agreement can be made verbally, and the responsibilities of the parties involved in the agreement.

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