Datun Suluh Praja Legal Counseling at Condongcatur

The UGM Faculty of Law together with the DIY High Prosecutor's Office again collaborated in organizing community service in the series of Datun Suluh Praja Kalurahan events. On Tuesday, February 28 2023, this time the two parties visited Condongcatur District, Sleman to provide a presentation regarding education on Financial Management and Village Treasurers.

One of the special agendas added this year to the schedule of events was the presentation of material regarding the Authority and Duties of the State Attorney of the Republic of Indonesia in the Civil and State Administration Sector by the DIY High Prosecutor's Office. So the hope is that from here, the public can understand that the stereotype that State Attorneys only 'punish' or 'prosecute' is not entirely true. The community can even provide free consultations and legal assistance regarding problems in their village, especially regarding civil law and state administration at the High Prosecutor's Office.

On this occasion, the resource person invited was Mrs. Dr. Mahaaarum Kusuma Pertiwi, S.H., M.A., M.Phil., lecturer from the Department of Constitutional Law. He conveyed in full about village finances and the reference regulations regarding this matter, one of which was Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 20 of 2018 concerning Village Financial Management. Furthermore, Mahaarum also conveyed the financial management organs, starting from the Village Head, Village Secretary, and Head of Finance, to the Section Head/Head of Affairs. Each of these organs has its own duties and functions which have also been regulated in the relevant regulations.

In closing, during the question and answer session, participants showed interest in the opportunity for a free consultation at the Prosecutor's Office regarding problems that occurred in the village. The DIY Prosecutor's Office said it was a pleasure to welcome village officials to the Prosecutor's Office for further discussions.

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