UGM Law Faculty Lecturers Conduct Legal Outreach in Sambirejo Sleman, Discussing Village-Owned Land Use for Tourism Development

The Faculty of Law at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), through one of its 2024 Legal Outreach Grant teams, successfully conducted a legal outreach program on the theme “Village-Owned Land Use for Tourism Development in Sambirejo Village” on Monday (30/9/2024). The outreach team included Dr. Sigid Riyanto, S.H., M.Si., and Dr. Rimawati, S.H., M.Hum.

Additionally, the team produced a podcast video discussing the legal outreach theme as part of their collaborative and innovative efforts in fulfilling the university's Tri Dharma in community service.

The event was a collaboration between UGM Law Faculty, Sambirejo Village, Prambanan Subdistrict, Sleman Regency, and the Sultanate of Yogyakarta (Panitikismo Keraton Yogyakarta). The outreach addressed the legal aspects of using village land and tourism, aligning with SDG goals such as economic growth (Goal 8), sustainable communities (Goal 11), justice and strong institutions (Goal 16), and partnerships for achieving concrete objectives (Goal 17).

The event was attended by Sambirejo Village officials, outreach speakers, and community members, most of whom manage tourism activities in the village. The session began with an opening by Sambirejo Village Head, Wahyu Nugroho, S.E. 

The core of the program featured presentations from the legal outreach grant recipients, including Dr. Sigid Riyanto, S.H., M.Si., a criminal law lecturer, and Dr. Rimawati, S.H., M.Hum., an expert in customary law at UGM. Additionally, Hengky Widi Antoro, S.H., M.H., a legal representative from the Sultanate of Yogyakarta, was also a speaker. 

Hengky opened the session by discussing regulations on Sultanate-owned land, including village land, and socializing the newly issued DIY Governor Regulation No. 24 of 2024 on Village Land Use, which replaced the previous regulation. Sigid followed with a presentation on legal enforcement against illegal levies in tourism, while Rimawati discussed community empowerment strategies for utilizing village land to develop local potential. These presentations aimed to deepen participants' understanding of using Sultanate land, specifically village land, under current legal frameworks.

The presentations were interactive, sparking lively discussions with the participants. The speakers answered questions clearly and provided practical solutions. After the legal outreach, a podcast was recorded with Wahyu as the host, along with Sigid and Hengky as the podcast speakers.

The podcast took place at the Sambirejo Village Office, facilitated by the village team. The podcast aimed to extend the outreach's reach through social media, especially on YouTube. This initiative is part of UGM Law Faculty's broader strategy to strengthen collaborations and innovate in delivering legal education to the community, enhancing legal awareness sustainably.

Writer: Adetia Surya Maulana (PKBH)
Editor: PR

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