Faculty of Law UGM Held Socialization and Training for Village Chief in Sleman Regency

Master of Notary study program in collaboration with Sleman Regency Government just held socialization & training for the village land utilization and the legal aspect from Tuesday (6/6) until Wednesday (7/6). The socialization that was held in Room III 1.1 Faculty of Law UGM was attended by several Villager Chiefs of Sleman Regency.

This socialization is opened with the opening remark from Dean for Research, Community Service, and Information Systems., Dr. Heribertus Jaka Triyana, S.H., LL.M., M.A. as the host's representative. Then followed by remarks from KPH. Yudanegara, Ph.D.; Head of the DIY Regional Secretariat Legal Bureau, Adi Bayu Kristanto, S.H., M.Hum .; DIY Inspector, Muhammad Setiadi, S.Pt., M.Acc., and District Secretary Sleman, Harda Kiswaya, S.E., M.Si.

On the first day of socialization discussed the topic: “Land Dispute and the Settlement (Government Rules of DIY No. 34 the Year 2007)” that presented by 2 speakers. The two speakers are Dr. Djoko Sukisno, S.H., C.. N. and Muhammad Fatahillah Akbar, S.H., LL.M.. In this session, it was emphasized that the village land utilization should be in accordance with its intention for social development, social interest, social welfare, and the administration of the village government. However, the utilization of village land is the potential for bribery and criminal act if it’s not managed properly.

On the second day, the socialization discussion was divided into 3 topics. The first topic was presented by Dr. Ninik Darmini, S.H., M.Hum with the title “The Agreement of Village Land Utilization with the Third Party”. This topic covered anything to prepare about the contract and agreement. The second topic title “Contract Drafting Practice” is a continuation of the previous topic and is still presented by Dr. Ninik Darmini, S.H., M.Hum. The last topic was presented by Triniken Tiyas Tirlin, S.H. with the title “Transfer of Right According to Purchase Deed, Grant Deed, and Inheritance.” This topic covered various types of transfer of rights such as grants, inheritance, wills, and testamentary grants.

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