Dema Mengajar 2023 Closing Ceremony

The DEMA Mengajar 2023 program has officially closed on Friday, 26 May after being held for three weeks starting from 5 May. The closing series of DEMA Mengajar 2023 was held at the Faculty of Law UGM which invited teachers and students of SDN Salamrejo with up to 130 participants. In this closing ceremony, there were various activities carried out starting from the opening, remarks, and extracurricular performances from SDN Salamrejo students, to the introduction of LO, LSO, and the Community, as well as the Faculty of Law Tour. In this tour, participants were shown around and introduced to the buildings and rooms in the Faculty of Law. Finally, the series of closings was closed with lunch and a Campus Tour by introducing the faculties at UGM.. Di tur ini, peserta diajak berkeliling dan diperkenalkan kepada gedung-gedung dan ruangan yang ada di Fakultas Hukum. Terakhir, rangkaian penutupan ditutup dengan makan siang dan Campus Tour dengan memperkenalkan fakultas-fakultas yang ada di UGM.

The DEMA Mengajar Work Program has been carried out routinely every year by cooperating with the Assisted Villages. For the past two years, Merdikorejo Village has become a partner and assisted the village in organizing community service work programs from DEMA Justicia. In this case, the Faculty fully supports the program initiated by these students, due to the proper and beneficial implementation of Community Service values from the Tri Dharma of Higher Education.

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