On Friday (7/2/2025), the Faculty of Law at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), through the Legal Aid Consultation Center (PKBH), conducted a legal education program at Sleman Class IIB Correctional Facility. This initiative aligns with the university's commitment to the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, particularly community service. Additionally, this program supports the 16th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) by fostering inclusive institutional development in correctional facilities.
The legal education session featured two expert speakers: Niken Subekti Budi Utami, S.H., M.Si., from the Department of Criminal Law, and Dr. Hartini, S.H., M.Si., from the Department of Islamic Law at the Faculty of Law, UGM. Ms. Niken delivered a session on “General Criminal Law and the Rights of Inmates,” aiming to provide inmates with a better understanding of criminal law and their fundamental rights during incarceration. Meanwhile, Dr. Hartini presented on “Islamic Divorce Law” to educate inmates on family law, particularly Islamic divorce regulations applicable in Indonesia.
The presentation of materials by both speakers was delivered in an interactive and engaging manner, allowing for a successful discussion. The lecturers also provided clear and solution-oriented answers to participants' questions. The implementation of this legal education is expected to be an effort in strengthening an inclusive and peaceful society.
Author: Adetia Surya Maulana (PKBH)