Strengthening Juvenile Criminal Law Literacy, UGM Faculty of Law Provides Legal Counseling for Students of SMA Negeri 8 Yogyakarta

On Thursday (26/9/24), the Faculty of Law UGM, represented by the Satria Paramartha Moot Court Organization in collaboration with the Pusat Kajian Bantuan Hukum (PKBH), successfully conducted the 2024 Legal Counseling event at SMA Negeri 8 Yogyakarta. 

The legal counseling session targeted high school students, with a theme focusing on "Children and the Digital World: Enforcement of Juvenile Criminal Law in Online Fraud Crimes." The aim of this theme was to provide students with new insights and knowledge about juvenile criminal law, equipping them for future challenges.

The 2024 Legal Counseling event had three main objectives. First, it served as a platform for high school students to learn and discuss the juvenile criminal justice system, specifically in the context of online fraud cases, aiming to prevent them from becoming perpetrators in the future. Second, it educated students about the prevention and anticipation of juvenile crimes and raised their awareness of online fraud schemes. Third, it allowed university students to play a role in community service by facilitating the event, in line with the Tri Dharma of Higher Education.

The first session was delivered by Abdus Salam, S.H., M.H., an advocate and legal consultant from Satriawan Edo & Co., who introduced various types of online crimes and the juvenile criminal justice system. The second session was presented by Puteri Titian Damai, S.H., a public interest lawyer from LBH Yogyakarta, who discussed online fraud laws and prevention strategies, followed by a quiz. After the presentations, a Q&A session took place, met with enthusiastic participation from the students, and the speakers responded with clear, practical, and solution-oriented answers.

The 2024 Legal Counseling event concluded with awards for the most active students, certificates for the speakers, and a plaque presented to SMA Negeri 8 Yogyakarta.

This event aligns with one of the goals of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically Goal 4: Quality Education, which aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. The 2024 Legal Counseling focused on raising awareness of the dangers of online fraud crimes that may involve or target children, recognizing that children are vulnerable to becoming either perpetrators or victims. By providing early legal awareness of various online fraud schemes, this initiative contributes to the positive participation of children in avoiding such crimes, aligning with the broader aim of ensuring equal access to quality education for children.

Writer: Nayla Rahmania Arisandy (SPARTA)
Editor: PR

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