Legal Counseling in Sendangagung Village Discusses Village Land Regulations in DIY, Land Inheritance in Islamic Law, and Domestic Violence

On Monday, February 24, 2025, the Faculty of Law at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), through the Legal Aid Consultation Center (PKBH), in collaboration with the High Prosecutor’s Office of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY), successfully conducted the “Suluh Praja” Legal Education program at the Sendangagung Village Office, Minggir District, Sleman Regency, DIY Province. This legal education session aimed to provide insights and legal knowledge to the participants, consisting of village officials and the local community, on common legal issues. This legal counseling aims to provide legal insight and expertise to the participants who attended, namely village officials and the surrounding community, about legal issues that often occur. This time, Suluh Praja raised the theme "Village Land Regulations in DIY, Land Inheritance in Islamic Law, and Domestic Violence" to provide legal insight related to the importance of knowing the legal basis of all kinds of rules in the DIY Governor Regulation No. 24 of 2024 concerning the Utilization of Village Land which regulates village land regulations in DIY, resolving land inheritance problems through Islamic law in society, and how to prevent and overcome domestic violence.

The event commenced at 9:30 AM WIB with the singing of the Indonesian national anthem, Indonesia Raya and the March of Sendangagung Village. This was followed by a welcoming speech from the Head of Sendangagung Village, Raden Heru Prasetya Wibawa, S.E., M.I.P. Next, the Assistant for Civil and State Administrative Affairs, Ye Oceng Almahdaly, S.H., M.H, along with her team from the DIY High Prosecutor’s Office, delivered an introductory speech and presented an overview of the roles and functions of the Attorney General’s Office of the Republic of Indonesia in civil and state administrative matters. 

The session continued with a presentation of material by a resource lecturer from the UGM Faculty of Law, Dr. Jur. Any Andjarwati, S.H. M.Jur as a Lecturer in Agrarian Law, Faculty of Law UGM who presented the theme "Village Land Regulations in DIY" to provide insight related to the DIY Governor's Regulation governing Village Treasury Land. The session continued with a presentation of material by another resource lecturer from the Faculty of Law UGM, Dr. Hartini, S.H., M.Si. as a Lecturer in Islamic Law, Faculty of Law UGM who presented the theme "Land Inheritance in Islamic Law" to provide insight to the counseling participants regarding the basics of land inheritance to the absolute authority held by the court in resolving inheritance disputes. Furthermore, the session continued with a presentation of material by the last resource lecturer from the Faculty of Law UGM, namely Mrs. Annisa Syaufika Yustisia Ridwan, S.H., M.H. as a Lecturer in Civil Law at the Faculty of Law UGM who raised the theme of "Domestic Violence" to provide insight into the forms of domestic violence, efforts that can be made in the event of domestic violence, to how the role of society and villages can play a role in preventing and handling domestic violence. 

All speakers, including representatives from the DIY High Prosecutor’s Office and UGM’s Faculty of Law, actively engaged in a discussion session with village officials. The material was presented interactively and engagingly, facilitating a productive dialogue. The lecturers responded to participants' questions with clear and practical solutions.

This legal education program is expected to be able to support point 11 of the SDGs in terms of realizing sustainable cities and settlements, as well as contributing to efforts in strengthening inclusive and peaceful communities following point 16 of the SDGs to create peace, justice, and strong institutions starting from the village government, and strengthening partnerships to achieve better goals following point 17 of the SDGs.

Author: Sahl Radian Setyaki (PKBH)

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