Datun Suluh Praja Legal Counseling at Kalurahan Temon

Thursday, March 9 2023, it was the turn for Kalurahan Temon to be visited by Faculty of Law UGM and Yogyakarta’s High Prosecutor Office in the series of Datun Suluh Praja 2023. On this occasion, the Village Headquarters requested for the topic related to Legal Drafting for the Village Regulations. With approximately 20 participants, this legal counseling was run interactively.

Mr. Andi Sandi Antonius T.T., S.H., LL.M., the lecturer from Constitutional Law Department Faculty of Law UGM was invited as the speaker for the discussion. Andi Sandi presented the materials regarding the legal products that can be issued by the sub-disctrict government such as sub-district regulation, head of district regulation, and joint sub-district regulation. During the sub-district regulation drafting, the structure shall be referred to Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages and other implementing regulations at PP level up to Ministerial Regulations. The tips for the regulation drafting process was also explained such as drafting and the substances part that should be processed by the different team, simply by just providing or not few principles on the drafted, and many more. Meanwhile, the DIY High Prosecutor’s Office explained about the free legal consultation that can be accessed by the citizen especially regarding the problem that occurred in the Village.

During the question and answer session, participants were actively participated by asked about the possibility of making new regulations to overcome the problem regarding the new built airport near the Village that can affect the burial ground. On the other hand, there were participant that asked regarding the quick action if the Village is sued by the PTUN. After the speakers answered the questions, the Vice Dean of the Research, Community Service, and Information Department, Mr. Dr. Heribertus Jaka Triyana, S.H., M.A., LL.M. directed the participants to utilize the free E-counselling that provided on the official website of Faculty of Law UGM to consult further regarding the issues occurred at the Village.

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