Legal Counseling at Datun Suluh Praja Kalurahan Giripeni

This time, it was Kalurahan Giripeni’s turn, Kulon Progo, to be visited by Faculty of Law UGM, together with Yogyakarta’s High Prosecutor Office to organize the Datun Suluh Praja 2023 Legal Counseling on Wednesday, March 8 2023. On this occasion, the topic that carried out was Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL). ). To support the presentation given to village officials as participants, Rafael Edy Bosko, S.H., M.IL., Lecturer at the Department of Agrarian Law was invited by the Faculty of Law UGM as the speaker for the discussion.

Initially, Rafael explained that data as of 2018 showed that of the 120 million plots of land in Indonesia, 70 million plots of land had not been registered. In this case, the National Land Agency (BPN) targets that by 2025, all land plots can be certified. Therefore, in order to accelerate land registration, a PTSL system was created. Where land plots are registered through a program initiated by the Government and the costs come from the state budget. Because the program was funded by the government, we are expecting that people will be more enthusiastic in registering their land. Later on, an explanation of the Duties and Authorities of the High Prosecutor's Office for Civil and State Administration of the Yogyakarta Special Region was also explained by the Yogyakarta Prosecutor's Office

The activity continued with a question and answer session. Participants asked a lot about inherited land which is often difficult for the community to process, from claims to land registration with BPN. Apart from that, there are also cases where the heirs are unknown. Apart from speakers from the Faculty of Law, the DIY High Prosecutor's Office also helped answer the problems experienced by the people of Giripeni Village. Lastly, there are also E-Consultation legal consultation facilities on the official FH UGM website and consultation facilities from the DIY High Prosecutor's Office which can be accessed either from the Whatsapp communication platform or coming directly to the office.




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