Legal Assistance Outreach to Address Juvenile Delinquenc

In a proactive effort to tackle the alarming issue of juvenile delinquency, the Student Executive Board (DEMA) of Justicia organized a Legal Assistance Outreach in Merdikorejo Village on May 16, 2024. This initiative aims to educate the local community about the importance of legal frameworks in fostering a safe environment for youth development. The outreach featured a guest speaker, Virga Dwi Effendi, S.H., LL.M., a respected lecturer from the Faculty of Law at Gadjah Mada University (UGM).

The primary goal of this outreach was to enhance the understanding of village officials regarding the necessity of establishing village regulations that support a conducive environment for youth. By doing so, the initiative seeks to empower local governance to take a more proactive stance in preventing juvenile delinquency.

The head of Merdikorejo Village warmly welcomed this initiative, expressing hope that the collaboration between the village government and academic circles would continue to flourish for the common good. He acknowledged the vital role of education and legal awareness in shaping a better future for the youth.

This event is a testament to the commitment of DEMA Justicia to community service, showcasing the tangible contributions of students in building a safer and more orderly society. The outreach aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly in promoting quality education and fostering partnerships for the goals.

Penulis: DEMA Justicia Kabinet Arung Renjana

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