ATHENS Delegates Won the Semi-Finalist Place in Brown-Mosten International Client Consultation Competition 2023

The Alternative Dispute Resolution Enhancement Society (ATHENS) delegation team, consisted of Rachmadinsa Dwininditha and Deja Wibowo, had successfully represented Indonesia in the Brown-Mosten International Client Consultation Competition 2023 International round at Maastricht University Faculty of Law, Maastricht, Netherlands. The competition, which was held from Wednesday (12/4) to Saturday (15/4), with the main topic "Environmental Law" and different sub-themes per round. These sub-themes include property sales, international water pollution, and public protests.

The Brown-Mosten International Client Consultation Competition 2023 was attended by 24 countries; each country was represented by a team containing two delegates. Each team will be faced with an actor who played the role of the client. Evaluation of the team is based on their ability to accommodate clients' concerns and personal interests, as well as their ability to explain the law to lay people.

Rachmadinsa and Deja succeeded in bringing Indonesia to become 1 of 9 countries that continued the competition to the semi-finals. The countries that succeeded to continue to the semi-finals with Indonesia included New Zealand, Wales, Canada, England, Ireland, Finland, the United States and the Netherlands.

Rachmadinsa and Deja expected that this competition could create excellent lawyers, not only in the field of analyzing and implementing law in real problems, but also able to interact with and accommodate clients' interests.

Author: Rachmadinsa Dwininditha

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