Committed To Career Development And Education, LCDC Provides Free Counseling For Students

Entering the first half of 2024, LCDC as one of the units in the Faculty of Law UGM again shows its commitment in conducting educational and career development for students. One of the concrete manifestations of this commitment is by providing free counseling services for all students of the Faculty of Law UGM. All students are allowed to access this service by making an appointment in advance through the online form that has been provided. online form yang telah disediakan.

Presenting lecturers who focus on their fields and pay more attention to aspects of student education and career development, LCDC strives to provide services that can help students determine what steps to take in the process of self-development and career. To realize this, LCDC strives to provide counseling services with a fairly broad spectrum, including career counseling, academic counseling, and assistance in the form of mock interview, review CV, dan review motivation letter atau cover letter. For more information, please visit the LCDC website through the link or visit the official LCDC Instagram account (@lcdcfh).   

The implementation of this activity is also a concrete manifestation of LCDC's seriousness as one of the units at the Faculty of Law, Universitas Gadjah Mada in realizing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, especially the 4th and 8th points, namely quality education and decent work and economic growth.


Writer: Wahid Inayah Tullah

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