Improving Research Quality with Reference Management Tools Training

To improve the quality of research and scientific work, the Gadjah Mada University Faculty of Law Library has held intensive training on using reference management tools for lecturers and students. This training occurred on March 6 at the Computer Lab, Faculty of Law, Gadjah Mada University.

In this training, it was conveyed that Reference Management Tools is an application used to organize reference sources that we will use in a written work. Reference Management Tools, such as EndNote, Mendeley, and Zotero, are software that helps researchers organize, manage, and cite reference sources efficiently and accurately. In the academic world, the ability to manage references well is essential to maintain the integrity and credibility of scientific work. These tools not only help in preparing a bibliography but also facilitate the process of consistent citations according to various writing styles. The benefits of attending this training are increasing lecturers' and students' understanding of the importance of reference management in legal research, providing practical skills in using reference management tools, supporting high-quality and ethical research, which contributes to the achievement of the SDGs, and facilitating collaboration and knowledge exchange between researchers at national and international levels.

In the context of the SDGs, quality research is one of the main pillars for achieving goals such as quality education and partnerships to achieve goals. By utilizing reference management tools, researchers can manage their references more effectively, avoid plagiarism, and ensure the accuracy and credibility of their scientific work. With this training, the UGM Faculty of Law Library shows its commitment to supporting quality education and responsible research and contributing to achieving SDGs in Indonesia.

Writer: Andi Muhammad Naufal Khaeri

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