Study Program
Master in Business Law and State Law

The Master of Business and State Law Study Program was established based on the Decree of the Directorate General of Higher Education Number 547/DIKTI/Kep/1996 concerning the Establishment of the Master of Law Study Program at the Graduate Program of Gadjah Mada University on December 11, 1996. In its development, the Decree of the Chancellor of Gadjah Mada University was issued Number 89/P/SK/HT/2006 concerning the Implementation of the Postgraduate Program which essentially stipulates that the Monodisciplinary Postgraduate Program is to be taught in the Faculty, while the Multidisciplinary Postgraduate Program is organized by the Graduate School. In 2008 the Decree of the Chancellor of the University of Gadjah Mada was issued No. 526/P/SK/HT/2008 concerning Restructuring and Re-assigning the Permit to Organize Study Programs at Gadjah Mada University which includes the Master of Law Study Program. Based on the Decree of the Chancellor of the Gadjah Mada University, since January 2009 the Master of Business and State Law Study Program has been under the Postgraduate Program of the Faculty of Law, Gadjah Mada University.


To be a center for the development, study and application of Business Law and State Law, as well as to produce graduates with the ability to develop themselves into professional practitioners.

  1. Improving the quality of education in Business Law and State Law;
  2. Increasing research in the fields of Business Law and State Law that are beneficial to the community;
  3. Improving the implementation of community service in the context of developing knowledge and public legal awareness in the fields of Business Law and State Law;
  4. Expanding partnerships with related institutions.
  1. Be able to apply the values of divinity, humanity, unity, democracy, and social justice as embodied in Pancasila, as well as moral values and integrity;
  2. Be able to explain the theoretical and empirical aspects of business and state law as well as the development of information technology at national and global levels;
  3. Be able to produce academic work in the form of research, both in the form of scientific journals and practical analysis in the fields of business and state law in accordance with the dynamics and development of society;
  4. Be able to apply critical analysis of business and state law cases that occur in society;
  5. Mampu memberikan sumbangan pemikiran terhadap perkembangan hukum bisnis dan kenegaraan yang aktual sesuai dinamika masyarakat dengan pendekatan interdisipliner maupun multidisipliner;
  6. Mampu menjalin kemitraan dan sinergi dengan berbagai pihak dan latar belakang dalam rangka penerapan hukum bisnis dan kenegaraan di masyarakat.
  1. Legal practitioners who have mastered the theoretical and practical aspects of business and state law at national and global levels as well as the development of information technology;
  2. Legal practitioners who are able to produce research and scientific works in the field of business and state law that accommodate developments and dynamics in society;
  3. Legal practitioners who are able to analyze and resolve cases and provide necessary solution and recommendations related to business and state law issues with interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches;
  4. Legal practitioners who are able to work together and have the power of synergy at the national and global levels.

Information & Guides
Study Program
Master in Business Law and State Law

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Master in Business Law and State Law

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Study Program
Master in Business Law and State Law

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Master in Business Law and State Law

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