Graduate Program Master in Business Law and State Law

Information & Guides Graduate Program Master in Business Law & State Law

Thesis Information


  1. Title Submission, Supervising, and Thesis Examination

I. Title Submission, Consultation, and Thesis Examination

To simplify the process of preparing the thesis, especially the suitability of the materials that have been written with the thesis supervisor. The thesis supervisor should be coming from the permanent lecturer from the Faculty of Law UGM and appointed by the Chief of the Master Program in the Faculty of Law UGM.

The title submission process is carried out with the following steps and conditions:

  1. Students are required to communicate with the Academic Administration Staff regarding the requirements for the Title Submission;
  2. Students submit the Thesis writing plan to the Head of the Study Program along with the form for the thesis title for the purpose of appointment of the Thesis Supervisor for the student;
  3. After the Head of the Study Program appointed the Thesis Supervisor, students need to hold a meeting with the Thesis Supervisor lecturer for consultation;

    Meanwhile, thesis supervision is conducted in accordance with the following rules and procedures:

    1. Thesis supervision will commence as soon as students submit their Research Proposal. Students should consult their assigned supervisors when writing such proposals;
    2. Within 2 months with a one-month extension period, starting from the title and problem formulation accepted, the thesis research proposal must have the approval of the Thesis Supervisor;
    3. After approval from the Thesis Supervisor, students are required to register themselves for the Proposal Seminar. The procedure and the time have been decided by the Head of the Study Program;
    4. Having received suggestions and remarks in the seminar, students proceed with their research and thesis writing;
    5. Thesis supervision is conducted in accordance with the manner agreed by the students and their supervisors, considering norms and ethics that are generally accepted;
    6. After the thesis preparation guidance is completed on Research Results, students register themselves to take part in the Research Results seminar, the procedure and time of which is determined by the Head of the Study Program (at the earliest it will be held in the 4th semester);
    7. Within six months, and an allowable delay of two months, after the approval of the Research Proposal, students must have been prepared with a draft thesis and defense;

    After the Thesis Supervising is completely done, the next step is the Thesis Examination with the following requirements:

  4. After the Thesis Supervisor approves the Thesis Title, students should record the agreed title and research problem in the Register Book provided at the Office of the Academic Section of the Master of Law Study Program;

    1. In order to be able to do the Thesis Examination, students should actively registered for the current semester on the Study Plan Card;
    2. Students can do the Thesis Examination in the 4th Semester;
    3. Students can do the Thesis Examination if they obtained 2.75 for the minimum GPA and have passed the TOEFL ITP test with a minimum score of 450 (209 ACEPT from UGM Language Training Center) and TPA (from OTO BAPPENAS/PAPS UGM with a minimum score of 500);
    4. Pada waktu mendaftar ujian Tesis, mahasiswa harus menyerahkan naskah Tesis yang telah dijilid sebanyak 3 (tiga) eksemplar dan naskah publikasi yang telah dijilid sebanyak 3 (tiga) eksemplar;
    5. The thesis examination is held in an assembly consisting of 3 (three) examiner lecturers, namely 1 (one) lecturer as Chair of the Examiner Council, and 2 (two) lecturers as Examiner Council Members;
    6. During the thesis examination, students must prepare presentation material (transparency or PowerPoint), and dress politely and neatly (Male students must wear a tie, Female students must conform).
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