Datun Suluh Praja Legal Counseling at Kalurahan Jatimulyo

To start the beginning of March 2023, on Wednesday, March 1 2023, Faculty of Law UGM and DIY High Prosecutor’s Office just held a Datun Suluh Praja at Kalurahan Jatimulyo, Kulon Progo. Starting March 2023, on Wednesday, March 1 2023, the Faculty of Law UGM and the DIY Prosecutor's Office carried out Datun Suluh Praja in Jatimulyo Village, Kulon Progo. However, there are slight differences in the execution . This time, Datun Suluh Praja was held with direct discussion and consultation with the Village Head and his staff.

At the start of the activity, the Jatimulyo Village Headquarters conveyed the problems occurring in the village, namely the lack of clear regulations regarding the use of water resources, use of state land, the land swap process, and village agreements with tourism managers. Next, the resource person brought in was Mr. Rafel Edy Bosko, S.H., M.IL. as a lecturer from the Department of Agrarian Law and Mr. Taufiq Adiyanto, S.H., LL.M. as a lecturer from the Tax Law Department conveyed suggestions and explanations from a legal perspective regarding problems in the village.

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