Thursday, (27/2/2025), the Faculty of Law at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), through the Legal Aid Consultation Center (PKBH), in collaboration with the High Prosecutor's Office of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY), successfully conducted the Suluh Praja legal counseling program at the Wijimulyo Village Office, Nanggulan District, Kulon Progo Regency, DIY Province. This legal counseling initiative aimed to provide legal insights and knowledge to the participants, including village officials and the local community, to enhance their legal awareness. This session of Suluh Praja focused on the theme "Narcotics and Personal Data Protection Awareness."
The event commenced at 9:30 AM WIB with the collective singing of the Indonesian national anthem, Indonesia Raya. An opening speech from the Head of Wijimulyo Village, Sri Triminangsih, followed it. Subsequently, representatives from the DIY High Prosecutor’s Office delivered an introductory speech and a presentation on the roles, duties, and functions of the Civil and State Administrative Affairs division of the Attorney General's Office of the Republic of Indonesia, specifically within the scope of the DIY High Prosecutor’s Office.
The session continued with legal counseling presentations by guest lecturers from the Faculty of Law, UGM. The first speaker, Dr. Dra. Dani Krisnawati, S.H., M.Hum., presented on "Narcotics," providing insights into narcotics from a criminal law perspective. The second speaker, Dr. Airin Liemanto, S.H., LL.M., presented on "Personal Data Protection Awareness," emphasizing the importance of safeguarding personal data, the risks of data breaches, and preventive measures to protect personal information.
All speakers, including representatives from the DIY High Prosecutor’s Office and UGM law lecturers, actively engaged in discussions during the Q&A session with village officials and the local community. The presentations were designed to be interactive and engaging, fostering meaningful discussions. The guest lecturers also provided clear and solution-oriented responses to participants' questions. This legal counseling initiative is expected to contribute to the strengthening of an inclusive and peaceful society, in line with SDG Goal 16, which aims to promote peace, justice, and strong institutions, starting with good governance at the village level in Wijimulyo.
Author: Ruth Jessieca Margareth Togar (PKBH)