Thursday, (27/2/2025), the Faculty of Law at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), through the Legal Aid Consultation Center (PKBH), in collaboration with the High Prosecutor’s Office of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY), successfully conducted the “Suluh Praja” Legal Education program at the Sindutan Village Office, Sindutan District, Kulon Progo Regency, DIY Province.
This legal education session aimed to provide insights and legal knowledge to the participants, consisting of village officials and the local community, on common legal issues. This edition of Suluh Praja focused on the theme “Hierarchy of Legislation and Making of Village Regulations”. It is hoped that this Suluh Praja will provide legal understanding and introduce participants to the hierarchical structure of laws and regulations following the provisions of Article 7 of Law No. 12 of 2011 and the systematics of making village regulations based on the principles and other aspects that support the creation of good village regulations.
The session commenced at 09:45 AM WIB with the singing of the Indonesian national anthem, Indonesia Raya. This was followed by a welcoming speech from the Head of Sindutan Village, Mr. Sumarwanto. Next, the Assistant for Civil and State Administrative Affairs, Mrs. Nimas Setyaningrum, S.H., along with her team from the DIY High Prosecutor’s Office, delivered an introductory speech and presented an overview of the roles and functions of the Attorney General’s Office of the Republic of Indonesia in civil and state administrative matters.
The session continued with the presentation of counseling materials delivered by two resource lecturers from the Faculty of Law UGM, namely Andy Omara, S.H., M.Pub&Int.Law., Ph.D. and Virga Dwi Efendi, S.H., LL.M. who both provided their respective materials related to the hierarchy of laws and the creation of villages. The two resource lecturers from the UGM Faculty of Law actively provided presentations and discussed in a question and answer session with the village officials who were participants in the Suluh Praja legal counseling.

All speakers, including representatives from the DIY High Prosecutor’s Office and UGM’s Faculty of Law, actively engaged in a discussion session with village officials. The material was presented interactively and engagingly, facilitating a productive dialogue. The lecturers responded to participants' questions with clear and practical solutions. This legal education program is expected to contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) No. 16, which aims to foster inclusive and peaceful societies by strengthening local governance, and SDG No. 17, which emphasizes partnerships to achieve broader development goals.
Author: Sahl Radian Setyaki (PKBH)