Graduate Program
Master of Law

Information & Guides
Graduate Program
Master of Law

Thesis Information

Thesis Writing

Submission of Title and Guidance and Thesis Examination
In order to assist students in their thesis writing, particularly with regards to the substance of the writing, a thesis supervisor will be assigned individually for each student, taking into account the lecturer’s competence on the thesis topic and those who have finished their doctorate degree. The thesis supervisor are selected by the Head of Master in Law Study Program from permanent lecturers at the Faculty of Law Universitas Gadjah Mada. With regards the submission of thesis topic, students must follow the following procedures:

  1. Before the student submits the thesis title, the students need to fulfill the following requirements:
    • Students fill out the Study Plan Card by taking the “Research Proposal Seminar” and “Thesis” course
    • Minimal GPA of 3.00
    • Already /currently taking the course “Research Methodology and Legal Writing”
    • Has passed 6 mandatory courses 
  2. After fulfilling the mentioned requirements, students can submit the thesis title through email by attaching the documents below:
    • Letter of application for submitting a thesis title yang dilampiri usulan 3 alternatif judul dan pokok pikir dari dari tema penelitian dan ditandatangani oleh mahasiswa dalam format “word document
    • Remaining Study Plan Card
    • Downloaded temporary transcript in Simaster
  3. All the documents above should be submitted via email to with CC to, dan 
  4. Program Studi akan mengundang mahasiswa untuk menentukan judul tesis dalam sebuah workshop. Jika program studi menilai bahwa topik yang diajukan perlu direvisi maka mahasiswa wajib mengajukan kembali formulir topik tesis yang berisi tiga topik tesis termasuk topik yang sudah direvisi via email ke cc ke, dan
  5. Setelah judul tesis disetujui mahasiswa wajib mendaftar proposal lewat simaster di menu “Tugas Akhir”;
  6. Selanjutnya Program Studi akan berkoordinasi dengan Ketua Departemen di lingkungan Fakultas Hukum UGM untuk menentukan dosen pembimbing Tesis;
  7. Setelah dosen pembimbing Tesis ditentukan, mahasiswa menghadap dosen untuk memulai konsultasi termasuk untuk mempertajam judul dan rumusan masalah.
  8. Untuk memantau proses pengajuan topik tesis, agenda workshop, catatan prodi sampai penunjukkan dosen pembimbing penulisan tesis, mahasiswa dapat melihat di link “Pantau Proses

Meanwhile, thesis supervision is conducted in accordance with the following rules and procedures:

  1. The thesis supervising process begins with writing a research proposal which is then consulted with the Thesis Advisor lecturer. In the case of students carrying out thesis guidance with a thesis writing supervisor both online and offline, it is highly recommended to complete the thesis guidance form and ask the thesis supervisor to sign it;
  2. Within two months, with an allowable delay of one month, after approval of the thesis topic, students should have obtained approval of Research Proposal from their assigned supervisors;
  3. Setelah mendapatkan persetujuan dari Dosen Pembimbing Tesis, mahasiswa mendaftarkan diri untuk mengikuti Seminar Proposal Penelitian dengan mengumpulkan tiga draft proposal yang telah disetujui dan ditandatangani oleh pembimbing tesis dan dijilid dengan cover kertas warna merah ke sekreatariat akademik serta menyiapkan dokumen di bawah ini untuk diupload di Online Seminar Proposal Registration Form:
  4. Setelah Seminar Proposal Penelitian dilaksanakan, mahasiswa selanjutnya mengumpulkan lembar pengesahan proposal untuk mengeluarkan nilai di simaster.
  5. Setelah nilai Seminar Proposal Penelitian keluar di simaster mahasiswa wajib mendaftar Tesis di simaster pada menu “Tugar Akhir”.
  6. Selanjutnya mahasiswa dapat melakukan penelitian dan penulisan draft Tesis;
  7. Thesis supervision is conducted in accordance with the manner agreed by the students and their supervisors, considering norms and ethics that are generally accepted;
  8. Within six months, and an allowable delay of two months, after the approval of the Research Proposal, students must have been prepared with a draft thesis and defense;
  9. Students are allowed to receive advice and supervision from their assigned supervisors only if they have input thesis writing in their Study Plan for the semester.

After the Thesis Supervising is completely done, the next step is the Thesis Examination with the following requirements:

  1. Before submitting the thesis examination, students are required to submit the Turnitin plagiarism check request for their thesis draft with the requirement: the plagiarism percentage is below 20% in the Turnitin via link below:
  2. After passing the similarity check, students are allowed to submit the thesis examination by attaching the following documents to the academic secretariat:
    • Tiga eksemplar draft Tesis yang sudah disetujui dan ditandatangani oleh pembimbing Tesis untuk diujikkan dan dijilid dengan cover kertas warna merah 
    • Tiga eksemplar naskah publikasi yang telah dijilid kertas warna merah
  3. The students also need to prepare the following documents to be uploaded in their Thesis Registration Online Form
  4. To be able to take the thesis defense, students must be registered as participants in the UGM Master of Law Study Program in the current semester and register for the course thesis writing on the Study Plan Card (KRS) for that semester;
  5. Thesis defenses are carried out if students have obtained a minimum GPA of 3.0 (three);
  6. Thesis Examination is held with 3 lecturers, 1 (one) lecturer acted as the Head of the Examiner Board, and the other 2 (two) lecturers acted as Examiner Board Members;
  7. Pada waktu ujian Tesis, mahasiswa harus menyiapkan materi presentasi powerpoint, berpakaian sopan dan rapi (Pria harus berdasi, Perempuan agar menyesuaikan);
  8. Setelah ujian Tesis selesai dilakukan, mahasiswa wajib menyerahkan lembar persetujuan revisi yang sudah ditandatangani oleh dosen pembimbing dan dosen penguji ke sekretariat akademik sebagai syarat mengeluarkan nilai Tesis.
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