Master of Notary

1. Thesis Writing Flow

Students of the Master of Notary Study Program is required to compiled scientific work in the form of a research proposal and a thesis. In this regarad, it is necessary to arrage and regulate several things related to guidelines and mechanisms in the writing of a research proposal and a thesis. The preparation of these guidelines certainly follows the general pattern that applies to the Graduate Program of the Faculty of Law, Universitas Gadjah Mada.

2. Flow of title submission to thesis exam in the Covid-19 pandemic

  1. Students to submit a thesis's title of at least one, equipped with a problem formulation, a description of the research to be conducted and the authenticity of the research, to the study program email.;
  2. A maximum of 3 x 24 hours, a Study Program will send a Google Meet link to the students (via UGM email) to discuss their research plans with the Head of a Study Program and other friends who submitted thesis titles;
  3. If the research has been directed, then at the forum, the student can propose the desired guidance lecturer, but if it has not been directed, then the student revises the title submission and will be reviewed in writing by the Head of a Study Program.
  4. A Study Program makes a letter of application for a thesis supervisor, attached with a student's title submission file, to the prospective guidance lecturer, whether deigned to be a thesis supervisor;
  5. Apabila dosen yang ditunjuk keberatan karena sudah banyak bimbingan atau karena materi yang diajukan kurang sesuai dengan bidang keilmuan, maka Kaprodi akan menunjuk dosen lain;
  6. If the supervisor is willing, then the study program will then process the Thesis Guidance Assignment Letter and contact the student to immediately conduct the thesis guidance process to their supervisor;
  7. During the pandemic, the guidance process is conducted online both in sync and asynchronously, and students are required to record each guidance process (such as guidance cards);
  8. If the proposal has been approved by the supervisor, the student may apply for a proposal seminar in the Study Program, by filling out google form application for a thesis proposal seminar containing the student's identity, thesis title, the name of the supervisor and uploading his/her proposal file;
  9. The Head of a Study Program then further determines three assessment lecturers including thesis supervisors, based on the theme of the student proposal;
  10. After the determination of the assessment lecturer, a Study Program will sends a thesis proposal file and news of the proposal seminar event to 3 assessor lecturers via email including to the student;
  11. Lecturers provide a review of the proposal and send back along with the news of the event, by clicking reply all, so that the review given is also known by 2 other assessor lecturers and directly sent to the reviewed students;
  12. The student makes revisions as input from the assessment lecturer and submit approval of the revised proposal to each lecturer to obtain approval signatures;
  13. The student conducts a research and a thesis writing as provided in the Study Program Handbook, after obtaining approval from 3 lecturers assessing the proposal;
  14. A thesis that has been approved by the supervisor can be submitted in a thesis exam;
  15. The student may submit their thesis through via link google form Thesis exam registration is equipped by writing down the identity of the student and to upload the proposal revision approval file, proposal approval sheet from 3 proposal assessor lecturers, publication manuscript, and thesis file to be tested;
  16. The Head of a Study Program determines the examiner lecturer, one of which is the thesis guide. The Head / Secretary of a Study Program becomes the chairman of the examiner or can appoint another lecturer to be the chairman of the examiner;
  17. A Study Program will contact the examiner lecturers and determines the time of the thesis exam;
  18. Online thesis exam will be held with google meet platform;
  19. The student will need to revise the thesis and submit to 3 examiner lecturers to obtain approval signatures;
  20. After the approval obtained from 3 examiner lecturers, the student conducts a yudisium registration by filling out a link google form Yudisium submission and upload thesis revision manuscript, title in English, abstract, and signature sheet approval of thesis revision from 3 lecturers examiner.
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