Intensive Course on Tax Law (ICTL) 2020

Intensive Course on Tax Law (ICTL) 2020

ICTL is an intensive course held by Tax Law Department Faculty of Law Gadjah Mada University in collaboration with Leiden University. This course aims to provide a legal training platform and a wider comprehension towards Tax Law and its development.

The theme for ICTL 2020 is: “A Journey from The Past to Digital Era.” In accordance with the theme, this year ICTL is going to explore further about:
– Historical context about Tax Law in connection with the development of the country
– Case studies related to the history of Tax Law in Indonesia
– Organization and implementation of taxation administration
– The origins and the purpose of international taxation system
– The development of international tax and technlogy

The speakers of this year’s ICTL are:
1. Prof. dr. ir. Rex Arendsen, a professor in Societal and Historical Context of Tax Law from Leiden University
2. Maarten R. Manse MA, a Tax Historian from Leiden University
3. Prof. Dr. Poltak Maruli John Liberty Hutagaol, M. Acc., M. Ec (Hons), S.E. Ak, Director of International Taxation, DJP, Indonesia
4. Ichwan Sukardi, S.H., LL.M., M.M., BKP, Managing Partner specialized in Tax, RSM Indonesia

ICTL 2020 will be held at
Date: 27 – 31 January 2020
Place: TBA, Yogyakarta

To register yourself, please fill the link down below

Registration fee: Rp2.000.000
– Coffee break & lunch (for 5 days)
– Seminar kits
– Certificate

This course is open for:
1. Practitioners
2. Bureaucrats
3. Academicians/lecturers
4. Doctoral students

This course will be delivered in English.

For further information:
Dita Kharisma Prasetyo +6285733341698 (Phone/WA)

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