Faculty of Law UGM Achieved the Top 3 Positions in Indonesian Law School for Law Firm Leaders Ranking 2022

Faculty of Law UGM achieved the Top Indonesian Law School for Law Firm Leaders Ranking 2022 award from Hukumonline. The award was received by the Dean of Faculty of Law UGM, Dahliana Hasan, S.H., M.Tax., Ph.D on Tuesday, March 14 2023

The ranking was based on the amount of State University alumnus who chose their career to be an advocate that holds the partner position at a notable law firm. According to the survey of Top 100 Law Firms 2022 that was held by Hukumonline in May-July 2022, there are 439 law firm partners that graduated from State University from various levels. Faculty of Law UGM was ranked third in the best State University category, based on 439 law firm partners in Indonesia. The survey above also shows that in recent years, law faculty alumni' interest in pursuing a career in a law firm has increased compared to other interests, which tend to be civil servants or bureaucrats. 

Faculty of Law UGM Dean, Dahliana Hasan, S.H., M.TaxPh.D explained that the achievement that received became something to trigger the academic community and Faculty of Law UGM enthusiasm in improving their skill in pursuing law. Dahliana also expressed her gratitude for the alumnus who had given their best contribution to their alma mater along with the other community. “Hopefully in the future, the Faculty of Law UGM can continue to improve the achievement that has been achieved,” said Dahliana.

Vice Dean of Academic, Students Affairs and Partnership, Adrianto Dwi Nugroho, S.H., Adv.LL.M., LL.D., also expressed his gratitude and appreciation to Hukumonline because of their assistance for the lecturers and the students. “It will be such a good opportunity to keep up the good relationship between the Faculty of Law UGM with Hukumonline, because there are a lot of our lecturers that are regular users of Hukumonline,” said Adrianto. According to Adrianto, Hukumonline is very helpful as a reference, both in terms of statutory regulations and other regulations.

This achievement became the symbol of scientific accountability carried out by Hukumonline. "This award is a form of scientific accountability for the results of our survey from the contribution of FH UGM alumni who voted for this survey," said Amrie Hakim, Chief of Engagement & Media Hukumonline.

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