Improving Understanding of Just Law Enforcement for the Young Generation

Legal Counseling with the theme "Improving Understanding of Just Law Enforcement for the Young Generation" was held on Tuesday (24/9/2024) at Jogjakarta Montessori Middle School (JMMS) Sleman Yogyakarta. This activity is combined with school activities so that it does not put burden for the school to allocate specific time for this meeting. The legal counseling conducted by Andy Omara uses an interactive approach where students are free to ask questions or express their views while the counseling is taking place. This is intended so that students can ask or comment directly without having to wait for the presentation to finish, which sometimes makes students forget what they want to ask because they are already piled up with other information. With JMMS students as the target, the legal counseling on fair law enforcement feels fresher and provides many perspectives for teenagers in understanding fair law enforcement. 

The counseling begins with an introduction and is continued with a brief explanation of norms and laws and their importance in society, including the differences between the two. The explanation of legal norms then becomes the topic of discussion. The enforcement of legal norms becomes quite an interesting topic of discussion for students considering that their daily experiences and observations regarding law enforcement can be directly presented and discussed in this forum. Questions about law enforcers and law enforcement arise especially related to the important role of law enforcement officers, both police, prosecutors, judges and advocates. The division of roles and authorities among law enforcers in fair law enforcement is very important. Objective law enforcement and respect for human rights need to continue to be fought for, especially for law enforcers. 

For the community, especially the younger generation, an understanding of fair law enforcement provides important provisions for them in facing their future, especially because they are teenagers and about to become adults. In the legal perspective, a person's maturity will bring serious consequences because they are fully responsible for what they do. Unlike children who still have the possibility of a reduced sentence or being returned to their parents if they commit an unlawful act. The results of the counseling and discussion will not only be used as the final report of the legal counseling but will also be submitted to the school to be used as a reference in improving students' understanding of just law enforcement in Yogyakarta.

Author: Andy Omara (Lecturer of Constitutional Law Department)
Editor: PR

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