Lecturers Attended the 2018 Biannual Conference of the Commission on Legal Pluralism in Ottawa, Canada



Lecturers Attended the 2018 Biannual Conference of the Commission on Legal Pluralism in Ottawa, Canada

Canada Research Chair on Legal Diversity and Aboriginal Nations, the Human Rights Research and Education Centre and the Commission on Legal Pluralism organized the 2018 Biannual Conference of the Commission on Legal Pluralism. This conference is held in Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada between 22nd—24th August 2018. Three lecturers from Faculty of Law, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Karina Dwi Nugrahati Putri (Karina), Sartika Intaning Pradhani (Sartika), and Tody Sasmitha Jiwa Utama (Tody) were invited to attend and to present their papers.

Legal pluralism scholars all over the world attended this conference. They share their experience working with legal pluralism issues, such as indigenous law, religious law, state law, business law, international law, and others. At this occasion, Karina, Business Law Department Lecturer, and Sartika, Adat Law Department Lecturer, presented their collaborative work “Adat Law in Public and Private Partnership. Karina and Sartika argued that compensation paid to Adat Law Community during land procurement for infrastructure development was often unfairly replacing the loss they suffer. Instead of economically compensating ulayat land of Adat Law Community used for infrastructure development, Adat Law Community shall be involved in infrastructure development on their land. The active participation of Adat Law Community can be exercised through placing the community as public entity in Public and Private Partnership.

Tody presented “Adat and State in the Post-Reform Indonesia: How Has Incorporation Taken Into Account?”. There were 3 forms of Adat-State Interaction in Indonesia Post-Reform: (1) the revival of Adat and the legislation-based on recognition; (2) functioning Adat Law in the state’s jurisdiction; and (3) national adat law, official law, or living law. He said that incorporation between Adat and state gave benefit to state in maintaining its dominant positon over Adat Law, while function and significant of Adat Law in its own community is ambiguos. SIPIMG_20180825_153558Foto 2

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