UGM Master of Laws Program Orientation: Welcoming International Students and Addressing Academic Issues

The Master's Program in Law, LLM Program, successfully held its New Student Orientation on Wednesday (4/9/24). The event took place in a face-to-face format at Meeting Room 1, Research Center, Building IV, Faculty of Law, UGM.

This orientation served as an important step in welcoming new students to the Master of Laws (LLM) Program. Conducted in a warm and friendly atmosphere, the event aimed to prepare new students for their studies at UGM. According to Ibu Sri Sri Wiyanti Eddyono, S.H., LL.M.(HR)., Ph.D., the Head of the Master's Program in Law, the orientation is particularly crucial given that there are five international students from Germany, the Netherlands, the Solomon Islands, and Afghanistan.

The orientation covered not only how to navigate coursework and the challenges of studying abroad, but also provided insights into the academic environment at the Faculty of Law, UGM, the available academic services, and the program's stance on critical issues such as bullying and sexual violence.

Sessions and discussions were led by Ibu Sri Wiyanti Eddyono, who spoke about how to thrive in the LLM program at UGM and raised awareness regarding bullying and sexual violence. She also facilitated a sharing session for students to exchange experiences. The second session was conducted by the Program Secretary, Rangga Aditya Dachlan, DPhil, who discussed research, thesis writing, and academic journal standards in accordance with postgraduate law writing guidelines, as well as how to foster good relationships with faculty and staff at UGM. The final session was presented by Bernadus Purnawan, S.S., who provided information about academic services.

The enthusiasm of the participants was evident from the numerous questions asked during the Q&A session, where the speakers offered clear and comprehensive responses. This orientation reflects the commitment of the Master's Program in Law at UGM and all students to enhance educational quality, in line with the fourth Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), which focuses on improving the quality of the learning process and thesis preparation to contribute more broadly to society. Additionally, the event highlighted SDG number 5, which pertains to gender equality and its role in the academic environment.

The event concluded with a friendly gathering, a traditional cake-cutting ceremony, and the serving of other traditional foods, symbolizing the Master's Program in Law's commitment to supporting Indonesia's sustainability and the principle of zero waste by avoiding the use of plastic in its dining arrangements.

Writer: Pengelola Program Studi Magister Ilmu Hukum UGM
Editor: Humas

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