Lecturer from Constitutional Law Department Graduated with Doctoral Degree from Faculty of Law UGM

Dian Agung Wicaksono, S.H., LL.M. just passed the doctoral promotion examination at Faculty of Law Universitas Gadjah Mada with the research entitled “The Dynamic of Granting Legal Standing for Individual Applicant in Cases of Judicial Review by Constitutional Court (Study of the Verdict from The Year 2003 – 2019)” on Friday (10/3). In this doctoral promotion, the delegate to act as the promotor is Prof. Dr. Enny Nurbaningsih, S.H., M.Hum. and Andy Omara, S.H., M.Pub&Int.Law.,Ph.D.. as the co-promotor. Meanwhile, the examiner team member consists of Prof. Dr. Tata Wijayanta, S.H., M.Hum., Adrianto Dwi Nugroho, S.H., Adv.LLM.,LL.D., Prof. Dr. Saldi Isra, S.H, M.PA., Dr. Ni’matul Huda, S.H., M.Hum., and Dahliana Hasan, S.H., M.Tax., Ph.D. as the chief examiner.

In his dissertation, Dian Agung Wicaksono explained that the judicial review to the Constitutional Court (MK) provides a wide opportunity for the people to become Applicant. The wide of qualifications to become the applicant based on Law 24/2003 made the constitutional authority of the Constitutional Court very dynamic in its implementation. (legal standing) The granting of legal standing is a central point because if the applicant for review does not meet one of the qualifications of the Applicant, it is certain that the request for judicial review will be declared inadmissible. However, arrangements regarding the legal standing of the Applicants have not been fully regulated by Indonesian positive law.

Dian Agung Wicaksono through his dissertation examines the basis for regulating the formulation of the qualifications of the Applicant's legal standing , granting the legal standing of individual Applicants, and the development of the legal standing of individual Applicant in cases of judicial review. First, the basis for the formulation of the legal standing standing qualifications of the Applicant in the case of judicial review is seen through two aspects, namely the qualifications of the Applicant and the loss of the Applicant. Second, the granting of legal standing to individual Applicant in cases of material review of judicial review, especially those related to the l legal standing tax payer , in practice was not considered by the Constitutional Court. Third, the development of the legal standing of individual Applicant in cases of judicial review is divided into two aspects, the material examination and the formal examination.

Because the arrangements regarding the matters mentioned above have not been fully regulated, Dian Agung Wicaksono suggested the need for further research related to the dynamics of granting legal standing to individual Applicants in judicial review by the Constitutional Court, the dynamics of granting legal standing to Applicants in judicial review by the Constitutional Court, especially related to qualifications other than Applicants individuals, and the dynamics of granting legal standing to individual Applicants in the implementation of other power possessed by the Constitutional Court. legal standing Pemohon perorangan dalam pelaksanaan kewenangan lain yang melekat pada MK.

In this open trial, Dian Agung Wicaksono managed to satisfactorily defend his research results and was declared to have graduated with an A grade and cumlaudepredicate. It is hereby notified that Dian Agung Wicaksono, S.H., LL.M. is the 253rd Doctor who passed the exam at the Faculty of Law UGM and is the 5775th Doctor who graduated at Gadjah Mada University.


Author: Putri Pertiwi
Editor: Humas

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