A Glimpse into the Faculty of Law UGM

Rabu (31/7/2024), Fakultas Hukum Universitas Gadjah Mada ( FH UGM) mengadakan seminar pengenalan fakultas yang ditujukan untuk Justicia Muda. Acara ini dibagi menjadi 3 sesi utama, masing-masing dirancang untuk memberikan wawasan komprehensif tentang penawaran fakultas, regulasi akademik, dan pengenalan departemen. Acara ini sejalan dengan Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (SDGs), khususnya yang berfokus pada pendidikan.

The first session commenced with an introduction to the Faculty of Law, featuring speeches from the Dean, the Vice Dean, and the Head of the Undergraduate Program. They elaborated on the rich history of the faculty, its vision and mission, and the motto and philosophy that guide its educational practices. The Dean emphasized the importance of legal education in fostering a just society, highlighting the faculty's commitment to producing competent and ethical legal professionals. Dr. Wahyu Yun Santoso, S.H., M.Hum., LL.M.. Mereka menjelaskan sejarah kaya fakultas, visi dan misi, serta motto dan filosofi yang memandu praktik pendidikan. Dekan menekankan pentingnya pendidikan hukum dalam membangun masyarakat yang adil, menyoroti komitmen fakultas untuk menghasilkan profesional hukum yang kompeten dan etis.

Following the introduction, the second session focused on the various departments within the Faculty of Law. Each department head presented an overview of their respective areas, detailing the unique programs and specializations available to students. This session aimed to familiarize attendees with the diverse academic paths they could pursue, encouraging them to explore their interests and aspirations within the legal field.

The third session was dedicated to academic administration, featuring speakers from the Academic Administration Office (KKA), the Academic and Student Affairs Coordinator, and the Administration, Finance, and General Coordinator. They provided essential information regarding student conduct regulations and academic policies, ensuring that new students understand the expectations and responsibilities that come with their enrollment.

To foster engagement, the session included a question-and-answer segment, where attendees could seek clarification on any topics discussed. In addition to the Q&A, a reflective session was conducted using Mentimeter, an interactive platform that allowed students to respond to questions in real-time. This innovative approach encouraged participation and provided valuable feedback on the event, helping the faculty to improve future orientations.

The event not only served as an introduction to the Faculty of Law but also emphasized the importance of education and enrolment in achieving the SDGs. By equipping students with the necessary knowledge and resources, the faculty aims to empower them to become active contributors to society.

As the event concluded, attendees expressed their appreciation for the comprehensive information provided. Many felt more confident about their decision to enroll in the Faculty of Law, recognizing the supportive environment and the commitment to academic excellence.

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