Mlati, 28 July 2023 - On Friday, 28 July 2023, the Faculty of Law UGM through the Pusat Konsultasi dan Bantuan Hukum (PKBH) conducted Legal Counseling activities at Prison Class IIB Sleman in the context of implementing Higher Education's Tri Dharma. Through the implementation of this activity, it is hoped that there will be an increase in the understanding of legal counseling participants on certain themes that are raised in relation to applicable laws and regulations.

Law Counseling activities presented two lecturers. Dr. Khotibul Umam, S.H., LL.M. in his presentation discussed about the concept of Islamic Marriage and Family Law Relating to Pregnant Marriage and Siri Marriage. Meanwhile, Diantika Rindam Floranti, S.H., LL.M. discussed about Criminal Acts of Sexual Violence.

During the extension, lecturers and participants held interactive discussions. The resource lecturer answered the questions from the participants clearly and solutively. This allows the participants to gain new insights and knowledge related to law, both materially and formally.


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