Study Program
Graduate Program
Master in Medical Law

Information & Guides
Study Program
Graduate Program
Master in Medical Law

Thesis Information


  1. Title Submission, Supervising, and Thesis Examination

I. Title Submission, Consultation, and Thesis Examination

Master of Medical Law Thesis Writing


A. Introduction

All students of Magister in Medical Law UGM who are about to complete their studies are required to compile a scientific work in the form of a Thesis, the procedure can be followed through:

Flow of Thesis Preparation

B. Thesis Request Submission, Supervisor Appointment, and Proposal Drafting

1. Thesis Request Submission

Students should ask the Administration Staff for the requirements regarding Thesis Request Submission and to obtain the cover letter. The cover letter followed by the proof of finishing all the Thesis Requirements, are: 1.) Students of the 2nd Semester that have taken all the available courses with a total of 15 credits; and 2.) Minimum GPA is 3.00. The cover letter should be received by the students no later than 2 days after the request submission.

2. Supervisor Appointment

The Cover Letter is submitted by students to the Head of the Study Program by attaching the Title and Formulation of the Problem, to be determined by the Thesis Supervisor after coordinating with the Head of the Department within the Faculty of Law UGM. The name of the Thesis Supervisor is received by students no later than 20 (twenty) working days from the time the student submits a Letter of Cover accompanied by a Title and Formulation of the Problem.

3. Proposal Drafting

After the student receives the name of the supervisor, the student makes an appointment with their thesis supervisor bringing the title and abstract. The Thesis Supervisor has the right to determine other Titles and/or Problem Statements. After the Thesis Advisor approves the Title and Problem Formulation, students record the approved Title and Abstract in the Register Book provided in the office of the Academic Section of the Health Law Masters Study Program. Students can only submit a thesis title in one semester if the student concerned registers the writing of the thesis on the Study Plan Card (KRS) for that semester.

Next, students compile a research proposal or proposal, which is then consulted with the thesis supervisor. Not later than 60 (sixty) working days after the Title and Problem Formulation is approved, the Proposal or Research Proposal must be approved by the Thesis Advisor.

C. Proposal Seminar, Research, and Research Results Seminar

1. Proposal Seminar

After the Proposal or Research Proposal has been approved by the Thesis Advisor, students ensure that they have registered their Thesis writing in their study plan for the current semester. Furthermore, students register for Proposal Seminars at Study Program Administration and submit: a) evidence that they have registered thesis writing at KRS in the current semester; and b) three copies of the Proposal or Research Proposal.

Upon registration, the Head of the Study Program Assistant coordinates with the Head of the Department (from the Thesis Advisor) to determine the Board of Examiners and the Proposal Seminar schedule. The Board of Examiners consists of a Supervisor as Chair, and 2 (two) Examiners as Members. Students prepare presentations (PowerPoint) of Seminar Proposals.

Not later than 20 (twenty) working days from the time students register for the Proposal Seminar, the Proposal Seminar must be held. In the event that the Examining Lecturer is unable to attend the Proposal Seminar, the Head of the Study Program has the right to appoint a replacement Examiner without coordinating with the Head of the Department (from the Thesis Advisor).

Inputs from the Proposal Seminar to improve the Proposal or Research Proposal are completed by students no later than 20 (twenty) working days from the date of the Proposal Seminar.

2. Research

In case the Research Permission Letter is required, students can submit the request to the study program administration staff. The letter will be issued no longer than 5 (five) days after the submission. The research needs to be consulted earlier to the Thesis Supervisor Lecturer.

The research result is formulated in the form of a Thesis Draft and asks for consultation or guidance to the Thesis Supervisor afterward. The thesis draft should be approved by the supervisor in no longer than 80 days after the first consultation.


D. Thesis Examination

1. Pre-Thesis Examination

Setelah perbaikan draf Tesis diselesaikan mahasiswa, mahasiswa melakukan komunikasi dengan staff Administrasi Prodi untuk mendaftarkan Ujian Tesis dan melengkapi persyaratannya. Ada 4 (empat) persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi mahasiswa. Pertama, mahasiswa bersangkutan terdaftar sebagai peserta Prodi dan telah mendaftarkan penulisan Tesis di KRS pada semester berjalan. Kedua, mahasiswa bersangkutan mendapatkan IPK serendah-rendahnya 3,00 (tiga koma nol nol). Tiga, mahasiswa bersangkutan telah lulus TOEFL dengan skor minimal 400 dan TPA (dari OTO BAPPENAS atau PAPS UGM) dengan skor minimal 450, yang masih berlaku (2 tahun). Keempat, mahasiswa bersangkutan mempersiapkan 3 (tiga) rangkap naskah Tesis.

After registration, the Chief of the Study Program or the Assistant will coordinate with the Head of the Department (from the Thesis Supervisor) to decide on the Board of Examiners and the Thesis Examination Schedule. The Board of Examiners consists of 2 examiners lecturer each as Chair and Member, and Thesis Supervisor as a member.

The thesis Examination shall be done no later than 20 days after the students register for the Thesis Examination. In terms of the Supervisor that cannot attend the Thesis Examination, the Head of the Study Program is allowed to decide on the Supervisor Lecturer substitute without coordinating with the Head of the Department.

2. Post-Thesis Examination

Masukan-masukan dari Ujian Tesis untuk perbaikan Tesis diselesaikan mahasiswa selambat-lambatnya 20 (dua puluh) hari kerja terhitung sejak tanggal pelaksanaan Ujian Tesis. Selanjutnya mahasiswa menyerahkan Tesis yang telah dijilid sebanyak 3 (tiga) eksemplar dan naskah publikasi yang telah dijilid sebanyak 3 (tiga) eksemplar kepada Administrasi Prodi.

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