Study Program
Graduate Program
Master in Medical Law

Magister in Medical Law program initiated from the Population Study Program based on the Rector’s Decree Number: 66/P/SK/HT/2009. During that time, there were many issues in the field of medical including issues in ethics, human rights, medicine, public health service, and issues in malpractice. To solve this issue, requires a professional policy maker or medical law consultant to create a convenient both administrative and medical measure in the delivery of health services. To fulfill this need, therefore, based on the Rector’s Decree No. 254/P/SK/HT/2009, Study Program of Master in Medical Law is established and becoming one of the study program in Master Program in Gadjah Mada University.

During its development, Master in Medical Law Study Program is reviewed to suit the scientific basis. On 14th of December 2010, Postgraduate School Advisory and Development Board stipulated that Master of Medical Law should be held by the Faculty of Law so that could solve all the law issues that arise in public regarding the health aspect. For this reason, the Rector’s Decree No. 269/P/SK/HT/2011 concerning the Transfer of Management of the UGM Medical Law Master Program was stipulated. Precisely after July 1 2011, the implementation was carried out by the Faculty of Law.

Medical Law Master Program providing the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary curriculum that covering various topics such as Therapeutic Agreements and Consumer Protection, Bioethics and Human Rights, Hospital Law, Malpractice in Health Services, International Health Law, and others. The lecturing activity is taught by the lecturers that are respected in their subjects, along with practitioners that experienced in health industries to bring the students to a deep, comprehensive, and global-minded level of expertise.


Legal Basis

The UGM Medical Law Master Study Program was established based on the Rector’s Decree of Gadjah Mada University Number: 254/P/SK/HT/2009 concerning the Opening of the Postgraduate School Medical Law Study Program, Gadjah Mada University. While the transfer to become one of the Study Programs at the Faculty of Law was determined based on the Rector's Decree Number: 269/P/SK/HT/2011 concerning the Transfer of Management of the UGM Health Law Masters Program.

Head of Study Program


The vision of the Master of Medical Law Study Program at the Faculty of Law UGM is to be a pioneer in strengthening competitive, world-class, superior and innovative health law in order to serve the interests of the nation and humanity imbued with national cultural values based on Pancasila.

  1. To organize excellent medical law education in academic on national and global level.
  2. Organizing the research in the development of medical law that beneficial for the public.
  3. To organize public service in order to increase knowledge and awareness of law
  4. To develop cooperation at the national and international levels.


Making the Master of Medical Law Study Program at the Faculty of Law UGM the best medical law education in Indonesia through:

  1. Quality Master of Medical Law education in order to make graduates who are superior, competent, professional, reliable, and able to respond to the challenges of the times.
  2. Medical law research product that based on the local advantage which can be the national references, and are responsive for the public needs in order to carry out the fair and equitable welfare
  3. Community service that encourages awareness of medical law in a sustainable manner as a prerequisite for a democratic legal state.
  4. Governance of study programs with integrity, transparency and accountability to support the effectiveness and efficiency of resource utilization.
  5. Strategic, synergistic and sustainable collaboration with alumni and partners.


  1. Apparent study activities that research-based
  2. Accomplishing the world-level study program and reputation enhancement in education, research, and community service field.
  3. Accomplishing the enhancement in national and international partnership.
  4. Realizing the strengthened role in solving national problem in populism and Indonesian socio-culture approach, and leveling up the local excellence in global level.

The creation of campus environment that safe, discipline, and comfortable.

Graduate profile for Medical Law Master Program (Prodi MHKes), educate the students that in the future will work as a functional health worker that competent in the field of medical law. Graduates' profile of Medical Law Master Program are:

  1. Practitioner in the field of health law
  2. Medical law researcher
  3. Lawyers that able to solve problems in medical law
  4. Functional staff (doctors, nurses, midwives or other health workers) who have knowledge and insight related to medical law
  5. Academics who have knowledge and insight related to medical law

Information & Guides
Study Program
Master in Medical Law

Brosur Magister Hukum Kesehatan