Signing Of An Agreement Between Faculty Of Law Ugm And Special Guidance Institution For Children Class II Yogyakarta

On Thursday (3/10/2024), Faculty of Law Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) through the work unit of Center for Consultation and Legal Aid Faculty of Law UGM (PKBH) and Special Guidance Institution for Children Class II Yogyakarta (LPKA Yogyakarta) signed a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) on Free Legal Aid Facilitation Services for Children Fostered by Special Guidance Institution for Children Class II located at LPKA Yogyakarta. 

The scope of this PKS includes various work programs, namely free legal aid facilitation services from PKBH to children fostered by LPKA Yogyakarta. The implementation of this activity is an effort by the UGM Faculty of Law to realize the 16th point of the SDGs by realizing peace, justice, and building inclusive fostering institutions and the 17th point of the SDGs by building partnerships to achieve concrete and better goals.

The signing of this PKS, from the UGM Faculty of Law, was attended by Mrs. Dr. Dra. Dani Krisnawati, S.H., M.Hum. as the Chairperson of the PKBH Faculty of Law UGM, Muhammad Jibril, S.H., M.PrivateLaw, as Secretary I of the PKBH Faculty of Law UGM, and the ranks of Part Timer PKBH Faculty of Law UGM. Meanwhile, from the Yogyakarta LPKA, it was attended by Mr. Sigit Sudarmono, Bc.IP, S.IP. as the Head of the Class II Yogyakarta Special Child Development Institution along with the ranks of the Head of Sub-Section, Head of Section, and Head of Sub-Section of the Yogyakarta LPKA.

The event began with the opening, remarks from PKBH FH UGM and LPKA Yogyakarta, then the signing of the PKS, the handover of plaques and souvenirs, continued with a documentation and friendly session, and ended with the closing.

The signing of this PKS is a step by the Faculty of Law UGM and PKBH to improve various legal services from PKBH, especially in the provision of free legal aid facilitation services both non-litigation in the form of legal consultations and legal counseling and litigation in the form of legal assistance. LPKA Yogyakarta also welcomed the various legal aid facilitation service programs as a form of community service in the LPKA Yogyakarta work environment. The collaborative synergy between the two institutions will continue to be maintained and improved to implement the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, namely community service, better so that it can realize better legal services to the community.

Author: Ruth Jessieca Margareth Togar (PKBH)
Editor: Humas

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