UGM Faculty Of Law’s Legal Consultation and Aid Center Holds Coordination Meeting With Anambas Islands Regency Government For Community Service Program With doctorSHARE

On Friday, (14/3/2025), at 09:00 AM WIB, the Faculty of Law, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), through the Legal Consultation and Aid Center (PKBH), held a coordination meeting via Zoom with the Anambas Islands Regency Government and doctorSHARE (Doctor Care Foundation) to discuss a community service program in conjunction with the Medical Service Program of the Floating Hospital, Dr. Lie Dharmawan II, organized by doctorSHARE.

This coordination meeting was part of UGM Faculty of Law’s efforts to implement several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including Goal 3 (Good Health and Well-being), Goal 4 (Quality Education), Goal 16 (Strong Institutions), and Goal 17 (Partnerships for the Goals). 

The meeting was attended by representatives from UGM Faculty of Law, including Dr. Heribertus Jaka Triyana, S.H., LL.M., M.A. (Vice Dean for Research, Community Service, and Information Systems), Dr. Airin Liemanto, S.H., LL.M. (Secretary II of PKBH UGM), as well as Adetia Surya Maulana, Sahl Radian Setyaki, and Ruth Jessieca Margareth (part-time staff of PKBH UGM). Additionally, representatives from the Anambas Islands Regency Government and the doctorSHARE team, who will carry out the medical service program in Anambas Islands, also participated in the discussion.

This initiative is a concrete step by UGM Faculty of Law through PKBH UGM in implementing the Cooperation Agreement between UGM Faculty of Law and the Anambas Islands Regency Government.

This community service program is scheduled to take place alongside the Medical Service Program of the Floating Hospital, Dr. Lie Dharmawan II, which will be held from April 29 to May 2, 2025, and from May 19 to May 23, 2025.

The coordination meeting between UGM Faculty of Law, the Anambas Islands Regency Government, and doctorSHARE proceeded smoothly and successfully. The collaborative synergy among these institutions will soon be realized through concrete actions, in line with the Tri Dharma of Higher Education—particularly in providing high-quality, impactful, and meaningful community service, ensuring broader and better legal services for the public. impactful, dan meaningful sehingga dapat mewujudkan pelayanan hukum yang lebih baik dan luas kepada masyarakat.

Author: Adetia Surya Maulana (PKBH)

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