Master of Notary Delegation Win the 2nd Place for Padjadjaran Notarial Fair 2023

Master of Notary Delegation from Faculty of Law UGM won the 2nd place in Notarial Deed Drafting and Notarial Practice Simulation Competition at Padjajaran Notarial Fair (PNF) 2023 on Friday (17/3). The delegation consisted of Diva Elvia Kusuma Putri, Margareta Tyas Harmoni, Salsabila, Karisa Putri Rahmadani, and Puri Astari. In this competition, the delegates are guided by Dr. Ninik Darmini, S.H., M.Hum. (FH UGM) and Rio Kustianto Wironegoro, S.H., M.Hum. (Notary/Practitioner).

PNF itself is an event held by Notary Student Association (IMNO), Master of Notary Affairs FH Unpad. Main series of PNF is a legal competition that involves master of notary students all around Indonesia. PNF 2023 includes the Deed Making Competition and Notary Practice Simulation with the theme "Spirit, Integrity, Dedication”.

In the preliminary round, delegations should send the final deed in physical form and legal construction on how the deed was made. Furthermore, in the final round, 5 teams are asked to send the video of the notary practice simulation, presentation, and question and answer. Deed drafting competition and notarial practice simulation will support the skills in the field of notary for notarial master students. 

Even in the midst of the delegate’s packed schedule to divide their time between working and studying, they still managed to spend their time practicing with their team. However, their personal business didn’t stop them from achieving their dream to win the competition. They could overcome their hardship by the support from the head of the Master of Notary Study program, Faculty of Law, UGM, Destri Budi Nugraheni, S.H., M.SI. Apart from that, the support from supervisors also played an important role in the achievement of the UGM Faculty of Notarial Masters Team as 2nd place winner at the 2023 Padjadjaran Notarial Fair. 

Author: Delegation of Master of Notary Affairs
Editor: PR

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