Faculty of Law UGM Delegation Won the 3rd Place on Law Essay Competition at Semar Law Competition

Nasywa Ananditha Bilal (2022) and Andi Sitti Ainy Nur Alifah (2022) won 3rd place in the Semar Law Competition in the Essay field on Sunday (19/03). The Semar Law Competition is a remarkable event in a series of FH Dies Natalis events at Sebelas Maret University. event akbar yang merupakan bagian dari rangkaian acara Dies Natalis FH Universitas Sebelas Maret. 

The theme of this essay competition is "Revitalizing National Interests through Legal Development to Respond to the Dynamics of Global Intentions". In the final round, the two delegations explained further about the chosen sub-theme, namely "Optimizing New Renewable Energy Through Land Subsidies and Fiscal Incentives to Achieve Net Zero EmissionAfter going through the final stage, the essay was named Best Paper and won 3rd place.

Due to these achievements, Nasywa and Ainy hope that in the future they can improve their achievements in the field of writing and not be afraid to face opponents even though they are both first year students at the Faculty of Law UGM.

Author: Nasywa Ananditha Bilal
Editor: Humas

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