Head of Research Center for Law and Social Justice Faculty of Law Universitas Gadjah Mada Provided Key Presentation at the National Conference on Civil Liberties 2023

The Indonesian Center for Law and Policy Studies (PSHK) and the Jentera Indonesia Law College (STH) are holding the 2023 National Civil Liberties Conference (KNKS 2023) with the theme "25 Years of Caring for Freedom". The 2023 KNKS was held with the aim of identifying and discussing problems, as well as formulating recommendation offers to address the need for improvements in the narrowing of civil liberties in a democratic country like Indonesia. This activity was open to the public, held on July 26 2023 in Jakarta offline and broadcast live via PSHK Indonesia's YouTube. The following is the link for the live broadcast of KNKS 2023 activities: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8OgRITa23A

Dr. Herlambang P. Wiratraman, S.H., M.A., Ph.D as Head of the Research Center for Law and Social Justice Studies, Faculty of Law Universitas Gadjah Mada participated in the event and gave key presentations with four (4) other speakers, Atnike Nova Sigiro as Head of the National Commission on Rights Human Rights 2022-2027, Haris Azhar as Founder of the Lokataru Foundation, Asfinawati as Lecturer at STH Indonesia Jentera and Fajri Nursyamsi as Deputy Executive Director of PSHK.

This conference was opened with remarks by the Executive Director of PSHK, Rizky Argama and then the keynote speech delivered by Dr. Herlambang gave a presentation on "Civil Freedom and Legal Politics in the Manipulation Era" in his presentation there were a number of legal cases, one of which was the case of Budi Budiawan who was a migrant worker in Saudi Arabia.


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