SPECIALITY FH UGM Wins Prof. Cup. Dr. Jimly Asshiddiqie, S.H. in the Indonesian Law Debate Competition (ILDC) FH UI

Speech and Law Debate Society (SPECIALITY) Faculty of Law UGM won the 1st place in the Indonesian Law Debate Competition Student Debate Competition, Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia (ILDC FH UI) and managed to bring the trophy presentation of Prof. trophy. Dr. Jimly Asshiddiqie, S.H. on Tuesday (25/3). SPECIALITY Faculty of Law UGM delegation consists of Pawestri Anindya (2020) as Head of Delegation, Gladys Larasati (2021) and Kenley Wijaya (2021) as Delegation Members, Destriananda Safa Aina (2021) as official, and Ardianto Budi Rahmawan, S.H., LL.M. as Supervisor Lecturer.

The legal debate competition organized by the Indonesian Law Debate Society FH UI carries the big theme "The Spirit of Reform in the Dynamics of Indonesian State Administration", with total of 16 Law Faculties from various universities sent delegates to this competition.

The competition begins with a preliminary round using the asian parliamentary. system. In this round, the competing teams are divided into 4 chamber, where each chamber consists of 4 teams. From the preliminary round, the team with the highest victory point from each chamber will be taken so that only 4 teams will qualify for the semifinal round. In the semifinal round, a knockout system is used until the 2 best teams remain to advance to the final round.

Setelah melewati berbagai rangkaian kompetisi, terpilih 2 tim untuk melaju ke babak final yaitu tim dari Universitas Gadjah Mada dan Universitas Sumatera Utara. Babak final ini dihadiri langsung oleh Prof. Dr. Jimly Asshiddiqie, S.H. dan beberapa ahli Hukum Tata Negara FH UI sebagai dewan juri. Mosi yang diperdebatkan pada babak final yakni Pembentukan Mahkamah Etik dalam Kekuasaan Kehakiman di Indonesia dengan delegasi SPECIALITY FH UGM sebagai tim kontra. Delegasi Speciality FH UGM berhasil memenangkan pertandingan dengan 3 victory point from a total of 5 judges.

For this achievement, the SPECIALITY FH UGM delegation expressed their thanks to the parties who had helped during the series of competitions. Hopefully other UGM Faculty of Law students will be motivated to hone their critical thinking skills and the ability to express opinions well. In this case, the UGM FH SPECIALITY community opens the widest possible space for students who want to join and improve their abilities.

Author Destriananda Safa Aina
Editor: PR

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