List of Lecturer
Departemen Hukum Adat, Dosen, Dosen Departemen Hukum Adat, Pusat Kajian Hukum Adat Djojodigoeno
Legal pluralism
Access to justice
Traditional knowledge related to disaster risk reduction
Traditional knowledge related to food sovereignty
Education background
Master, Antropologi, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia,
Thesis: Wisata Tsunami sebagai Dark Tourism di Banda Aceh
Undergraduate, Hukum, Fakultas Hukum Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
Thesis: Hak Tenurial atas Hutan dalam Masyarakat Hukum Adat Marga Bengkunat, Pesisir Barat, Lampung
Belum ada data
2023. Fulfillment of the Right to Food and Nutrition: Study of the Food Estate Project in Central Sumba.
2023. The Realization of Local Food in Central Sumba: Synergy between Indigenous Communities and Regional Government or Segregation of One Actor?
2023. State Intervention in Adat Village Transformation in Bali.
2022. Indigenous Knowledge as A Disaster Mitigation: A Study of Legal Pluralism from Aceh.
2022. Relevansi Teori Hukum Adat Klasik tentang Perspektif Hukum Adat terhadap Realitas Keragaman Subjek Hukum Pemegang Hak atas Tanah Adat di Bali.
2022. History of Food Security in Indonesia: Regulation Mapping, Government Program, and Reflection towards Just and Sustainable Food Security.
2021. Identifikasi dan Inventarisasi Tanah Ulayat di Provinsi Bali dan Nusa Tenggara Timur.
2021. The Job Creation Bill & Land Management in Indonesia.
2020. Operational Standard Procedure Study in Kasultanan and Kadipaten Land Utilization. Kadipaten Duchy.
Book Chapter 2023 Re-visit the Concept and Efforts of Administering Ulayat Land, in Nurhasan Ismail, et al (Eds). Exploring the Agrarian Law Thought of Prof. Matia S.W. Sumardjono
Journal 2023 Acknowledgment of Adat Law-Based Tenure in the Courtroom: Study of Decisions on Criminal Acts of Land Clearing by Burning, Logging Trees Without Permits, and Collecting Plantation Products Without Permits
Journal 2022. Positivism Approach Application in Adat Law Research
Journal 2021 Relinquishment of Customary Rights to Land by Papuan Customary Law Communities: Study of Court Decisions
Journal 2020 Compatibility of Land Registration Regulations with the Complexity of Legal Conditions of Kasultanan and Kadipaten Land
Journal 2020 Tenure Rights and Access of the Bengkunat Adat Law Community in Forest Utilization on the West Coast
Journal 2019 Placing the Kasultanan and Kadipaten as Subjects of Ownership Rights to Kasultanan and Kadipaten Land in Special Region of Yogyakarta
Jurnal 2019 Lashing in Qanun Aceh and the Convention Against Torture: A Critical Appraisal