Department of International Law
Department of International Law focused in law dynamics with the following international issues
Head of Department
Prof. Dr. Agustinus Supriyanto, S.H., M.Si.
Mandatory Course for International Law

- International Economy Law
- International Treaty Law
- Diplomatic Law
- International Human Rights Law
- International Dispute Settlement Law
- International Law of The Sea
- International Air and Outer Space Law
Publikasi Mahasiswa Konsentrasi Hukum Internasional
Tahun 2022
- Rabita Madina, Tasya Marmita Irawan, Judith Gracia Adha, Brigita Gendis Kandisari, Kay Jessica, Fitrahanita Ramadhani, Muhammad Awfa, Farhan Fauzy, “Gadjah Mada Undergraduate Research Anthology Vol. 1: Recent Developments in International Criminal Law”, Fakultas Hukum UGM (buku nasional)
- Nugroho Adhi Pratama, Nahda Anisa Rahma, I Gusti Putu Agung, “Pulau, Kepulauan, dan Negara Kepulauan (Buku)
Tahun 2023
- Rafsi Azzam Hibatullah Albar, “Bridging Jurisprudence and Ecology: A New Haven Inquiry into States’ Climate Duties”, Völkerrechtsblog (media internasional)
- Nivia, “Towards the Earth Justice: How Far can We Go with Anthropocentrism and the Global South Approach?”, Opinio Juris (media internasional)
- Rafsi Azzam Hibatullah Albar, “Finding the Human-Nature Equilibrium: A Reply to Nivia”, Opinio Juris (media internasional)
- Muhammad Hillman Al Hanif, “Pembatasan Hak Politik Mantan Napi Korupsi” (media nasional)
- Nivia, “Hak Atas Tanah Adat dan Paradigma Pelanggaran Hak Asasi Manusia yang Berulang” Republika (media nasional)
- Nivia , “The Riddle of Personal Immunity: Have We Arrived at the Conclusion?” Modern Diplomacy (media internasional)
- Rr Kunti Dewi Adriane Kusumo Wardono, “Menanggapi Mark Rutte tentang ‘Kekerasan Ekstrem’ dalam Perang Pasca-Kemerdekaan” Republika (media nasional)
- Rafsi Azzam Hibatullah Albar, “Angka pada Kebebasan”, SoloPos (media nasional)*gg6w53*_ga*MTU3Mzg3NDY1My4xNjk2MDQwNjQz*_ga_N48JD3Q0D2*MTY5Njg0MjMyMi43LjEuMTY5Njg0MjMyMy41OS4wLjA.
- Rafsi Azzam Hibatullah Albar, “Two Negatives Make a Positive? Nigerien Coup and the Question of Inter-Junta Recognition’s Legitimacy”, Modern Diplomacy (media internasional)
- Rafsi Azzam Hibatullah Albar, “Justice-on-Demand at the Indonesian Constitutional Court?”, Verfassungsblog (media internasional)
- Rafsi Azzam Hibatullah Albar, “Swedish Quran-Burning: A Crucible for Western Values”, International Policy Digest (media internasional)
- Rafsi Azzam Hibatullah Albar, “A Semi-International Tribunal as a Solution for Human Rights Justice in Myanmar”, Jindal Forum for International and Economic Laws (media internasional)
- Rafsi Azzam Hibatullah Albar, “Indonesia’s Military-Democracy Interplay is a Lesson Never Learned”, Columbia RightsViews (media internasional)
- Rafsi Azzam Hibatullah Albar, “Indonesia’s reparations program: Hope for justice or hollow promise?”, OpenGlobalRights (media internasional)
- Rafsi Azzam Hibatullah Albar, “Kursus online makin menjamur sejak pandemi, tapi belum ada regulasi yang jelas untuk menjamin kualitasnya”, The Conversation Indonesia (media nasional)
- Rafsi Azzam Hibatullah Albar, “Make-Believe: Indictment of Two Activists Reveals the Truth About Freedom of Expression in Indonesia”, Oxford Human Rights Hub (media internasional)
- Rafsi Azzam Hibatullah Albar, “Teater Gaza dan Sandiwara Kemanusiaan PBB”, JurnalPost (media nasional)
- Rafsi Azzam Hibatullah Albar, “A Comprehensive Analysis of Israel’s International Criminal Law Violations in Gaza”, Maastricht Student Law Review Blog (media internasional)
- Rafsi Azzam Hibatullah Albar, “Indonesia: A Family Court?”, Stratsea (media internasional)
- Rafsi Azzam Hibatullah Albar, “The Awakening of a Legal Titan: Indonesia’s Dormant Legacy”, International Policy Digest (media internasional)
- Rafsi Azzam Hibatullah Albar, “Building on Rubbles: The Need for a New Diplomatic Approach to African Coups”, The London Globalist (media internasional)
- Rafsi Azzam Hibatullah Albar, “MSS Mission: Rewriting the Rules of International Intervention?”, Modern Diplomacy (media internasional)
Tahun 2021
- Hanif Ardiningrum Khansa & Mettio Hario Basara “Apakah Serangan OPM terhadap Tenaga Medis Dapat Dibenarkan?” IBTimes (media nasional)
- Mettio Hario Basara “Dampak Sanksi Ekonomi terhadap Pemenuhan HAM di Afghanistan” Kumparan (media nasional)
- Salma Abiyya “UUD 1945 dan The Living Constitution” Solopos (media nasional)*v3gguc*_ga*MTUxOTA3MDk1LjE2OTc2NzM2Mzk.*_ga_N48JD3Q0D2*MTY5NzY3MzYzOS4xLjEuMTY5NzY3MzY3MC4yOS4wLjA.
Tahun 2020
- Nahda Anisa Rahma, “Menyoal Pasal Pendidikan pada UU Cipta Kerja”, Republika Online (media nasional)
Tahun 2023
- Stephanie Kristina Susanto, Tiffany Linda Rosemarry, “Third World Approaches to International Law and Eurocentrism: Deconstruction-Reconstruction Urgency in International Legal Pedagogy” in Brawijaya Law Journal (jurnal nasional),
- Fairuz El Mechwar, “The Role of Masyumi’s Book “Djihad dan Qitaal” in Indonesia’s Post-Independence War Efforts: A Historical and Legal Appraisal of Islamic Jus in Bello“, Ihkam: Jurnal Hukum dan Pranata Sosial (Jurnal Internasional)
- Stephanie Kristina Susanto, Tiffany Linda Rosemarry, “BOOK REVIEW: Imperialism, Sovereignty And The Making Of International Law”, Journal of Interdisciplinary Law and Legal Issues (jurnal nasional)
- Nivia, “Dualisme Pengaturan Beneficial Ownership di Indonesia”, Mimbar Hukum (jurnal nasional)
- Rr Kunti Dewi Adriane Kusumo Wardono, “Elimination of Discrimination against Women & CEDAW: to What Extent is it Jus Cogens?”, Jurnal Yuridika (jurnal internasional)
- I Gusti Ngurah Anom Manacika Mahawijaya, “Urgensi Pengaturan Injunction Dalam Rancangan Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Perdata” Jurnal Penelitian Hukum De Jure (Jurnal Nasional)
- I Gusti Ngurah Anom Manacika Mahawijaya, “Hak Tidak Diganggu Gugat: Studi Kasus Perkelahian Antara Diplomat Nigeria Dengan Petugas Imigrasi Indonesia” Pledoi: Jurnal Hukum dan Keadilan (Jurnal Nasional)
- Muhammad Raihan Sjahputra “Activism And Pragmatism: Challenges Facing The Human Rights Committee In Ensuring Indonesia’s Fulfillment Of Its ICCPR Obligations” Jurnal Mimbar Hukum (jurnal nasional)
- Rafsi Azzam Hibatullah Albar, Pawestri Nindyatami, “Indonesia’s P2SK Law and Consumer Protection in Digital Financial Services: An ASEAN Literacy Perspective”, Transnational Business Law Journal (jurnal nasional)
- Rafsi Azzam Hibatullah Albar, “Missing Questions in the ASEAN Human Rights Court Narrative” Harvard International Law Journal Online (jurnal internasional)
- Rafsi Azzam Hibatullah Albar, “Safeguarding Sovereignty: Indonesia’s Solution to the Raw Materials Case in WTO” Indonesian Journal of International Law (jurnal internasional)
- Rafsi Azzam Hibatullah Albar, “Common Heritage of Mankind at the Expense of Indigenous People’s Rights? BBNJ Treaty and Beyond” Harvard Human Rights Journal Online (jurnal internasional)
- Rafsi Azzam Hibatullah Albar, “Nurturing Tomorrow’s Jurists: Rethinking the Indonesian Constitutional Court’s Clerkship System through a Comparative Lens” Journal of Indonesian Legal Studies (jurnal internasional)
Tahun 2022
- Muhammad Ardiansyah Arifin “The Legal Framework of Private Maritime Security Company: Indonesian Practice”, Jurnal Mimbar Hukum (jurnal nasional)
- Gregorius Brian Sukianto, “The Covid-19 Pandemic: To Refoul or Not to Refoul?” Strathclyde Law Review (Jurnal internasional)
Tahun 2021
- Ananda Luthfiyyah Azwan, “Memaknai Pemenuhan Hak-Hak Perempuan Dalam Implementasi Cedaw Terhadap Pembagian Waris Islam”, Jurnal Al Imarah (jurnal nasional)
- Sonia Widya Febriana, “Assessing The Human Rights Committee’s General Comment No. 37: Is The Interpretation Sufficient To Protect The Freedom Of Assembly In Times Of Public Health Emergency?”, IIUM Law Journal (jurnal internasional)
- Nahda Anisa Rahma, “From Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) To The Treaty On Prohibition Of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW): Shifting Paradigm And Its Implementation’s Obstacles”, IIUM Law Journal (jurnal internasional)
- Muhammad Ardiansyah Arifin, “Good Faith In Trips Compulsory Licensing Of Pharmaceutical Patents: Lessons From Previous Pandemic Cases”, Lampung Journal of International Law (jurnal internasional)
- Fitria Marsha Qitara Rajasa, Nugroho Adhi Pratama, “Quo Vadis Perlindungan Hak Kesehatan Bagi Perokok Pasif Di Indonesia” Jurnal Mimbar Hukum (jurnal nasional)
- Gregorius Brian Sukianto, “International Investment of Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs): Concerns Raised by Western Countries” Juris Gentium Law Review (jurnal nasional)
- Nugroho Adhi Pratama, “Indonesia Seabed Mineral Act: Urgency and Setting Direction”, Journal of Foreign Policy (Ministry of Foreign Affairs),
- Nugroho Adhi Pratama, I Gusti Putu Agung, Bernadette Gitareja, “Challenge and Opportunity to Implement the Right to Education for Child Refugees in Indonesia” Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Law and Human Rights 2020 (ICLHR 2020),
- Rahmah Candrika Ramadhaniati “Indonesia’s Incentive Policies on Electric Vehicles: The Questionable Effort from the Government” International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy Vol. 11 No. 5 (2021)
Tahun 2020
- Muhammad Ardiansyah Arifin, Nugroho Adi Pratama “Indonesia Abuse Of Defamation Clause In Article 27 Section (3) Of Electronic Information And Transaction Law”, South East Asia Journal of Contemporary Business, Economics and Law (jurnal internasional)
- Rahmah Candrika Ramadhaniati “Legal Analysis on the Legal Reasoning of the Philippines in the South China Sea Arbitration” Juris Gentium Law Review Vol. 7 No. 2 (2020) (jurnal nasional)
- Balqis N. Fauziah and Stephanie Kristina Susanto, “In China’s Three Line of Defence: Addresing the Coronavirus Claims Against China Under International Law” Juris Gentium Law Review (jurnal nasional)
- Nugroho Adhi Pratama “Optimalisasi Peran Pemerintah Daerah: Solusi Discriminatory Housing Practices Terhadap Mahasiswa Pendatang Papua di Kabupaten Sleman”, Juris-Diction (Faculty of Law Airlangga University),
- Rahmah Candrika Ramadhaniati “A Necessity or A Premature Move? The Shift of Indonesian Production Sharing Contract in the Oil and Gas Industry” International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy Vol. 10 No. 4 (2020)
Tahun 2019
- Muhammad Awfa, Kirana Anjani “Applying Customary International Law in the Indonesian Human Rights Court – An Islamic Solution of the Conundrum” Al-Shajarah (jurnal internasional),
- Rahmah Candrika Ramadhaniati “Looking Through Asian Business Law Challenged in the Modern-Day World” ALSA Indonesia Law Journal Vol. No. 1 (March 2019) (jurnal nasional)
Tahun 2018
- Kaizar Nararya Setiadji “Exploring the Application of Section 3.1.3 of the IBA Guidelines” Juris Gentium Law Review (jurnal nasional)
- Felicity Salina “Lethal Autonomous Weapon System: Legal and Ethical Perspectives” Juris Gentium Law Review (Jurnal nasional)
Tahun 2017
- Gisella A. Samudiono “Decree on Demarcated Areas Along Egyptian Borders: Egypt’s Miscarriage of Its International Human Rights Duties” Juris Gentium Law Review (Jurnal Nasional)
- Kaizar Nararya Setiadji, Emilio Bintang Risanda “Sink That Vessel!: Reflecting Indonesia Sinking Vessel Policy In Light of UNCLOS” Juris Gentium Law Review (Jurnal Nasional)
- Mohammad Ibnu Farabi, Rininta Ayunina ““Let Them Drown”: State’s Obligation of Non-Refoulement Vis-A-Vis The Entry of Refugees Through Waterways” Juris Gentium Law Review (Jurnal Nasional)
- Kaysha Ainayya Sasdiyarto “Stateless: International Law Perspective” Juris Gentium Law Review (Jurnal Nasional)