PKBH Received an Audience From KMMH, Fostering Synergy in Community Service

On Tuesday (17/9/24), the Legal Aid Consultation Center of the Faculty of Law at Universitas Gadjah Mada (PKBH) hosted an audience with the Graduate Law Student Association (KMMH) from the Faculty of Law, UGM, at the PKBH office. The audience aimed to discuss potential collaboration between KMMH and PKBH in several work programs. The proposed collaboration includes community service initiatives such as legal consultation services and legal education at Yogyakarta Class IIB Women's Prison, which are part of the Community Service Department's programs under KMMH. 

The audience was attended by the Secretary II of PKBH, Dr. Sartika Intaning Pradhani, S.H., M.H., alongside PKBH part-timers, while KMMH was represented by its Chairman, Azmi Fathu Rohman, S.H., the Head of the Community Service Department, Moh. Asman Novi Ambar, S.H., and several other KMMH board members.

The audience between PKBH and KMMH not only focused on collaboration opportunities but also involved an exchange of information, particularly regarding community service activities frequently carried out by PKBH, such as legal education, consultation, and legal assistance. This discussion is expected to serve as a foundation for the new KMMH management, particularly the Community Service Department, in designing effective work programs. The meeting underscored the shared commitment of PKBH and KMMH to enhancing legal services for the community, aligning with SDG points 16 and 17, which emphasize the building of inclusive institutions and partnerships to achieve common goals.

This collaboration is expected to strengthen the synergy between both parties in implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, especially in community service. Moving forward, KMMH is also expected to participate in the legal education program at Yogyakarta Class IIB Women's Prison, in line with the Cooperation Agreement currently being processed between the Faculty of Law UGM and the prison.

The audience proceeded smoothly, marking the beginning of joint efforts to provide more comprehensive and improved legal services to the community.

Writer: Adetia Surya Maulana (PKBH)
Editor: Humas

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