The ASEAN in Today's World (AsTW) Program


Event overview:

Founded in 2009 by Kyushu University’s International Student Centre (ISC), the ASEAN in Today’s World (AsTW) program is a short-term study abroad initiative centered on the ASEAN region, which has seen significant growth in global political and economic influence. The program’s main goal is to develop individuals who can serve as future ambassadors for Asia, actively engaging in international affairs. Acknowledging the need for people who can connect Asia with the rest of the world, the ISC initiated and implemented the program.

Since its inception, AsTW has been a collaborative project involving various prestigious universities in ASEAN nations as host institutions. By 2025, six leading universities across ASEAN and Japan—Universiti Malaya, Mahidol University, Ateneo de Manila University, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Fukuoka Women’s University, and Kyushu University—will work together on this initiative. With the support of the ASEAN Secretariat and the ASEAN University Network (AUN), these institutions aim to foster global leaders with a deep understanding of ASEAN’s role on the world stage.

In 2024, Universitas Gadjah Mada’s Faculty of Law pledged to join the consortium, further extending the program’s reach and impact in 2025. This collaboration highlights a shared commitment to promoting cross-cultural exchange, understanding, and cooperation both within and beyond the ASEAN region. Participants in AsTW not only acquire academic knowledge but also develop crucial cultural and diplomatic skills necessary for navigating today’s interconnected world.

Objectives of the program:

  1. Introducing issues which tend to be neglected by ASEAN citizens and beyond;
  2. Promoting the importance of youth’s role in ASEAN Community and beyond; and
  3. Increasing the awareness and empowering ASEAN and Japan young future leaders.

Topics coverage:

  1. Does ASEAN Matter and is still Relevant? 
  2. ASEAN Socio-Cultural and Economic Community 
  3. Freedom of Religion and Belief in ASEAN 
  4. Rights and Disabilities in ASEAN 
  5. Gender and Woman Protection in ASEAN 
  6. Indigenous Peoples and Adat Community in ASEAN 
  7. Human Rights, Climate Change and Environmental Protection in ASEAN
  8. ASEAN Disaster Management and Lesson Learned from Japan 
  9. Multiculturalism in Southeast Asia (Kyushu University)

Eligibility for Admission

  • Over 18 years of age;
  • Possess great academic standing (has the equivalent of a Cumulative Grade
  • Point Average (GPA) score of at least 3.0 out of 4.0 or a B or a 7.5 out of 10);
  • Fluent in the English language for academic purposes;
  • Will continue his/her studies at his/her home university after completing the AsTW program.

Registration Fee + Tuition Fee

¥ 135.000 JPY + ¥ 44.400 JPY (3 Credits)

Benefit and Activities Offered:

  • 3 Credits from AsTW Program
  • Access to AsTW Classes
  • Accommodation during the Program
  • Local Transport during the Program
  • NGO-Visitation
    – Sapda Institute
    – Center For Religious and Cross-Cultural Studies Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • Excursion
    – Yogyakarta Palace
    – Borobudur Temple
    – Desa Wisata Pentingsari

Important Dates

  • Registration Period
    • 10 September 2024 – 10 November 2024
  • Selection Process
    • 11 November 2024 – 20 November 2024
  • Participant Announcement
    • 12 December 2024
  • Program
    • 17 February 2025 – 27 February 2025

Applicant from AsTW consortium member university:

Applicant from a University outside AsTW consortium:

  • Information:
  • Registration:
  • Inquiry:

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