On Tuesday, (25/2/2025), the Faculty of Law at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), through its Legal Aid Consultation Center (PKBH), in collaboration with the High Prosecutor’s Office of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY), successfully conducted a legal education session titled Suluh Praja at the Kalurahan Bojong Office, Panjatan District, Sleman Regency, DIY Province. This legal education program aimed to provide legal insights and knowledge to participants, including village officials and the local community, to enhance their legal awareness. The Suluh Praja session focused on “Public Legal Awareness on Civil Law, Environmental Law, Criminal Law, and Constitutional Law” to equip village officials and the local community with essential legal knowledge.
The event commenced at 10:00 AM (WIB) with the singing of Indonesia Raya, followed by an opening speech by the Head of Kalurahan Bojong, Mr. Agoes Trihatno. Representatives from the High Prosecutor’s Office of DIY then delivered an introductory address. They presented material on the duties, main functions, and roles of the Civil and State Administrative Division of the Indonesian Prosecutor’s Office, particularly the DIY High Prosecutor’s Office.
The legal education session continued with a presentation from Faculty of Law UGM lecturer, Mrs. Herliana, S.H., M.Com.Law., Ph.D., who spoke on “Public Awareness of Civil Law.” She provided insights into civil law aspects, various legal disputes in civil relations, and their resolutions. The second speaker, Mr. Andy Omara, S.H., M.Pub&Int.Law., Ph.D., also from the Faculty of Law UGM, discussed “Public Awareness of Criminal and Constitutional Law,” offering the village officials an understanding of fundamental aspects of criminal and constitutional law. The final presentation was delivered by Dr. Rr. Dinarjati Eka Puspitasari, S.H., M.Hum., who explored the theme “Public Awareness of Environmental Law,” emphasizing the importance of legal consciousness in environmental protection, ecosystem balance, and the community’s right to a healthy environment.
All speakers, both from the DIY High Prosecutor’s Office and UGM Faculty of Law, actively engaged in a discussion session with the village officials and community members. The presentations were delivered interactively, encouraging meaningful discussions. The lecturers also provided clear and practical solutions in response to participants' questions.
This legal education initiative is expected to support efforts in building an inclusive and peaceful society, aligning with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16, which aims to promote peace, justice, and strong institutions, starting at the village governance level. Additionally, this initiative reinforces partnerships in achieving broader legal awareness and sustainable development, in line with SDG 17.
Author: Adetia Surya Maulana (PKBH)