Faculty of Law UGM Delegation Wins 3rd Place in the 2023 National Business Legal Talk Essay Competition

Talitha Candrakirana (2020), under the guidance of Dr. Khotibul Umam, S.H., LL.M., successfully achieved the third place for the Essay Competition in National Business Legal Talk 2023 (NBLT 2023) that was held by the Business Law Society of UNS Faculty of Law on Sunday, February 19, 2023. 

NBLT 2023 brought the theme of Quo Vadis Synergy between Banking and Fintech to Support the National Economy. This individual essay competition was divided into preliminary round and final round. During the preliminary round, Talitha was successfully selected as 1 out of 5 participants to continue to the final round with an essay entitled "Sharia Crowdfunding as a Sharia Bank Product in Increasing Financial Inclusion in Indonesia". During the final round that was held offline, the finalists were given 10 minutes to present the contract, followed by the question and answer by the jury for 30 minutes.

By this achievement, Talitha sent her gratitude to the parties who have assisted, supported, guided, and prayed for them to be able to make achievements and become the pride of Faculty of Law UGM. There is great hope that in the future UGM Faculty of Law students will be able to maintain the achievements they have obtained so far and develop further with other achievements.

Author: Talitha Candrakirana
Editor: Humas

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