Faculty of Law UGM Lecturers Attended The 8th Annual International Conference on Interdisciplinary Legal Studies, University of Oxford

Faculty of Law UGM Lecturers Attended The 8th Annual International Conference on Interdisciplinary Legal Studies, University of Oxford, United Kingdom

On 5th—7th March 2018, The 8th Annual International Conference on Interdisciplinary Legal Studies (AICILS) was held in the St. Anne College, University of Oxford, United Kingdom. The Conference provided an opportunity for academics, practitioners, consultants, scholars, researchers and policy makers with various backgrounds and experience to present their papers in the conference. The keynote speaker for the conference was Professor Kimberly Houser from the Washington State University. Furthermore, the participants of the conference also came from various universities, including Washington State University (USA), University of St. Francis (USA), University of Essex (United Kingdom), University of Leeds (United Kingdom), National University of Singapore (Singapore), James Cook University (Singapore), Purdue University (USA), Mahidol University (Thailand), University of West London (United Kingdom),Chiba University of Commerce (Japan), Maria Curie-Sklodowska University (Poland), University of Mons – UMONS (Belgium), Bahria University (Pakistan), Sun Yat-sen University (China), Oxford Brookes University (United Kingdom), Vilnius University (Lithuania), University of Lodz (Poland), Thammasat University (Thailand), Abu Dhabi University (United Arab Emirates) and also Universitas Gadjah Mada (Indonesia). At this opportunity, two lecturers of Faculty of Law, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) were invited based on their abstract submissions. The lecturers are Karina Dwi Nugrahati Putri from Business Law Department and Muhammad Fatahillah Akbar from Criminal Law Department. In the Panel of Interdisciplinary Studies, Karina Putri presented a paper with the title “Rethinking Central Bank Digital Currency: Challenges and Opportunities”. She discussed on how Digital Currency may be developed in Indonesia. On another panel, Panel of Laws, Fatahillah Akbar raised the discussion of his paper with the title “The Comparative Analysis on Criminal Provisions in Cartels between Indonesia and United Kingdom”. He examined how important criminal provisions on competition law are. Both presentations got decent responses from participants. These presentations not only provide an international exposure, but also improve the ability of the lecturers to write and speak at international level. The involvement of the conference was fully supported by the Faculty. The Faculty encourages all lecturers to have international exposures as it is line with the vision of the Faculty to be the World Class Faculty.

Oxford 1

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