Asian Society of International Law, Philippine Society of International Law, Department of Philippine Foreign Affairs, and University of Philippines College of Law and Law Center, organized the 7th Biennial Junior Scholar Conference of Asian Society of International Law in Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines. This Conference is held in College of Law and Law Center, University of Philippines, Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines between 21-23 August 2019. International Undergraduate Program (IUP) student from Faculty of Law, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Michelle Chandra Kasih, was invited to attend and to present her research.

International law scholars all over the world attended this conference. They share their experiences working with international law issues such as human rights issues, criminal law, gender and familial issues, state and territorial issues, investments issues, and others. At this occasion, Michelle as a student of Faculty of Law, Universitas Gadjah Mada presented her research, “ Inter-religious Marriage in Indonesia: Challenge for Recognition”, which has been assisted by her friends: Sukhemadewi, Ulfah Aulia, Felicia Yunike, Catherine Nur Safitri; and her lecturer: Sartika Intaningsih, S.H., M.H.. She argues that the legal uncertainty of Indonesian Marriage Law, has deterred the right of inter-religious marriage in Indonesia, especially when it comes to civil registration. It has been proved by normative and empirical research that shows 14 out of 20 Indonesian Civil Registration Office rejects to recognize inter-religious marriage applications. Through this research, she hopes that the government of Republic of Indonesia could revise its policy in order to comply with Article 23 of ICCPR, where every marriage to found a family shall be recognized.

The next 2021 8th Biennial Junior Scholar Conference of Asian Society of International Law will be organized in Australia. Michelle hopes with all her experiences, other students and lecturers could continue to attend this prestigious conference and developed the knowledge on international law.

Picture Description : The panel consists of 5 presenters, reviewed by 2 female Jury ( From right to left : Prof. Liliana Obregon from Universidad de los Andes, Colombia and Prof. Elizabeth Aguiling Pagalangan as President of Philippine Society of International Law), and 1 Mediator ( Prof. Raymond Baguilat )

Picture description ( from right to left ) : With H.E. Judge Chang-Ho Chung from International Criminal Court and H.E. Judge Yuji Iwasawa from International Court of Justice

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