Master in Law has hosted “Peace and Security in Asia and Its Implication to Global” Seminar for Open Interaction between Students and Lecturers from Different Institutions and Expertises from Different Backgrounds

Indonesia has played significant roles in peace resolution. Indonesia has played significant roles in peace resolution particularly in Asia. Indonesia contributes to the largest UN peacekeeping troop among 15 Security Council members (2840 personnel that include 158 female peacekeepers). The country is also involved in the negotiation of Rohinya in Myanmar. This raise questions how significant are the roles for Indonesia domestic interest. How are the gender dimensions integrated into the peace keeping negotiation that involve Indonesia.

Master in Law has developed seminar and guest lectures series for open interaction between students and lecturers from different institutions and expertises from different backgrounds. It was a seminar by Prof. Jacqui True from The School of Social Science, Monash University and Mr. Marzuki Darusman as a Chair of an independent Fact-Finding Mission on Myanmar under the UN Human Rights Council since July 2017. The aim of this seminar is to strengthen their understanding of recent conditions of conflict and violence happening in Asia and how the global community responds to the conflict. This knowledge will be very useful particularly for the students who take International Law concentration and those who are conducting research in gender based violence with various perspectives.

The guest lecture took place on Friday (08/10) and lasted for 100 minutes. This event was successful in attracting public attention to join and was attended by more than 100 participants from all over Indonesia through an online zoom meeting. The event was also broadcast live streaming from the Kanal Pengetahuan FH UGM YouTube channel. During the event, participants were facilitated with an English-language translator to facilitate understanding. The participants can determine the language to be used to make it easier to understand the material presented by the speakers. In order to improve the quality of learning outcomes, the Master in Law is committed to holding more seminars and guest lectures with multidisciplinary studies.

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