Kuliah Tamu Magister Ilmu Hukum “Money Laundering: Developments and Challenges”


In order to introduce the MIH-LL.M Study Program to the public and candidates new students, then as a series of Education Week 2021 organized by Law Career Development Center (LCDC) FH UGM, also held an event “GUEST LECTURE & DISCUSSION OF BOOK WORKS OF LECTURER MIH-LL.M”. as a place for friendship between teachers and society, especially alumni of undergraduate law from various universities throughout Indonesia and overseas.

The Guest Lecture invited Peter Halpern, who since 2018 has worked as an Advisor Legal Advisor for the United States Department of Justice in Jakarta and owns experience as a federal prosecutor for the United States Department of Justice, Division Public Integrity, and is responsible for prosecution of cases related to criminal acts of corruption, fraud and money laundering. The guest lecture referred to has the theme “Money Laundering: Development and Challenges”.

This lecture told participants about explanation of legal system in USA in briefly, experience of speaker in global practice, money laudering in general, and how’s Indonesia doing?

This event held at 9 April 2021 by Master of Legal Science in collaboration with Master of Legal Litigation Faculty of Law Universitas Gadjah Mada. This lecture compulsory for: Post-graduate students enrolled in Criminal Justice System course (Master of Legal Litigation), Post-graduate students enrolled in Criminal Law concentration (Master of Legal Science), Master of Laws Students, International Undergraduate Students enrolled in classes of Special Criminal Law, Transnational Crimes, and Criminal Law Concentration.

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